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[[Image:Trentshipping.jpg|right|frame|A full 20% of all Daria fanfics ("[[Lane Miserables]]")]]
Despite what Glenn Eichler and the others writers intended, Trent/Daria [[shipper]] fanfiction ''abounds'' in fandom. The production rate of shipper fics used to be quite intensive during the first few years of the show, both fics that showed them getting together (especially [[Michelle Klein-Hass]] in the early days) and fics that played up the crush ([[C.E. Forman]]'s "Lost Stories" fics). The number have gone down since then, and [[anti-'shipper]] fics have turned up to poke holes in the pairing, like "[[I've Waited Here for You]]" by [[Kristen Bealer]]. New Trent/Daria fics are still a frequent sight, however - [http://thepaperpusher.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=31873 Life As We View It] / [http://thepaperpusher.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=31913 Second Glance] by [[GingerLove84]]; "[https://archiveofourown.org/works/34866 Reunited and It Feels So Good]" by Person - however, as are fics that have the pairing in the background ("[[Drive (TAG story)|Drive]]" by [[TAG]]). Sometimes, as with "Reunited", these are post-show to get around the age gap.
The main depiction of Trent in fanfiction is either a similar role to canon - a helpful, decent (but lazy) ally of Daria and Jane. Some present a Trent who has become far more successful: often, Mystic Spiral (or Trent on his own) have become a successful band, such as several fics by [[Nemo Blank]]. Others will play up Trent's worse attributes and his obvious lack of a future for dramatic purposes, like [[E. A. Smith]]'s "[[Nowhere Man]]".
Some fanfics will play up Trent's worse attributes and his obvious lack of a future for dramatic purposes, like [[E. A. Smith]]'s "[[Nowhere Man]]".
A minority of fanfics take a deliberately negative view of Trent, such as [[The Angst Guy]]'s "[[Darkness]]" where an older Trent is a physically and emotionally abusive man, and [[Smileyfax]]'s "[[My Best Friend]]" where Trent (in a deliberate [[alternate universe|twisting of canon]]) has always been an abusive psychotic.
A minority of fanfics take a deliberately negative view of Trent, such as [[The Angst Guy]]'s "[[Darkness]]" where an older Trent is a physically and emotionally abusive man, and [[Smileyfax]]'s "[[My Best Friend]]" where Trent (in a deliberate [[alternate universe|twisting of canon]]) has always been an abusive psychotic.
A large number of fics present a Trent who makes it as a musician: either Mystic Spiral or Trent on his own have become a successful band. Several fics by [[Nemo Blank]] take this path, as did the now-deleted but influential works by Klein-Hass. Trent is treated as someone who can make it as a proper musician. (In [[Charles RB]]'s "[https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12919646/1/Ow-My-Ears-The-Mystik-Spiral-Story Ow! My Ears! The Mystik Spiral Story]", they're semi-successful but still terrible.) This was partly linked to the shipping, making Trent a good musician who can date Daria.
Trent as a success became less prominent as fandom went on until Susie Lewis wrote "Catching Up with the Daria Gang" and presented Trent as a working rock musician. Post-canon fics will now often show Trent and his new band. [[LinnOfTheWoods]]'s Continuum fics use this as a springboard, with Trent hooking up with original character [[Rose Norstein]] - this reveals the bar he works at is run by an older [[Upchuck]]!
==Misc. Trivia==
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