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[[Image:Cindy design.jpg|thumb|200px|left|]]
Despite her conformity and mainstream interests, Cindy is seen multiple times with background goth girl "[[Backgrounder#Kristen|Kristen]]": "The Lost Girls" (hanging), "Daria Dance Party" (at the dance together), "[[Daria!]]" (sitting together), "[[I Loathe a Parade]]" (at the parade). The two appear to be friends. Kristen also graduated eerily early...
We don't know her academic ability, though she looked disappointed with her marks from temp-teacher Daria in "Lucky Strike".
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==In fanfiction==
Cindy didn't appear in any fanfics until December 2010 (when this page was created on the old wiki), when she debuted as a computer coding nerd in [[cfardell_Brenorenz29]]'s [[Quinn's Code]] story. (cfardell would continue using her in the [[Post-Canon]] "A Question of Cindy", explaining she graduated early by doing advanced classes outside of Lawndale High, and [[First Day of Summer]].) In spring 2011, she began appearing as a significant secondary character in [[God Save The Esteem]] as an accidental 'queen bee' at Lawndale High, and in the [[Lawndale Fighting Championship]] series as an enthusiastic rookie wrestler on her way up. All three of these have different takes on who Cindy 'is', working off the same list of background appearances.
While her heyday for fic appearances was in the early 2010s, she'll still pop up now and then.
Mainly, she appears in [[alternate universe]] fanfiction. Two exceptions were cfardell's Post-Canon "A Question of Cindy" (explaining she graduated early by doing advanced classes outside of Lawndale High) and [[First Day of Summer]].
[[Category:Canon Characters]]
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