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==="Is It Fall Yet?"===
In "[[Is It Fall Yet?]]", Daria and Jane start out on very distant terms. This is especially true for Jane, who grew extremely bitter as a result of [[The Kiss|Daria's betrayal]]. Thus, Jane decides to go on a retreat to the [[Ashfield]] art colony for the summer, avoiding Daria completely. This leaves Daria with nothing to do during the summer, until Helen forces Daria to volunteer for [[Timothy O'Neill|Mr. O'Neill]]'s summer camp, the [[Okay To Cry Corral]].
In "[[Is It Fall Yet?]]", Daria begins dating Tom. Daria is taken aback by Tom's family and social rank. However, Daria's main issue in dating Tom is her lack of experience and fear of being vulnerable. Thus, Daria is very much afraid and is stuck in her comfort zone. When Tom points this out to Daria during an argument, Daria is left speechless and doesn't reply. However, Tom unintentionally makes a disparaging comment about Jane, which rubs Daria the wrong way. At this point, Tom dumps Daria and drives off. Later, Trent intervenes and tries to get Daria and Jane back to being friends again. He uses [[Tank|the Tank]] to drive Daria to the [[Ashfield]] art colony to visit Jane. During the trip, Trent begins singing a song he wrote about betrayal, to the annoyance of Daria.
In "[[Is It Fall Yet?]]"Meanwhile, Daria begins dating Tom, picking up from where "Dye! Dye! My Darling" left off. Daria, who comes from a [[wikipedia:American middle class|middle class]] background, is taken aback by Tom's family and high social rank. Daria uses Tom's elitism as a scapegoat for their rocky relationship (after a botched date in which Daria met Tom's family at a country club). However, Daria's main''real'' issue in dating Tom is her own lack of experience and fear of being vulnerable. Thus, Daria is very much afraid and is stuck in her comfort zone. When Tom points this out to Daria during an argument, Daria is left speechless and doesn't reply. However, Tom unintentionally makes a disparaging comment about Jane, which rubs Daria the wrong way. At this point, Tom dumps Daria's andunwillingness drivesto off.salvage Later,their Trentcourtship intervenescauses and triesTom to getdump Dariaher and Jane back to being friends again. He uses [[Tank|the Tank]] to drive Daria to the [[Ashfield]] art colony to visit Jane. During the trip, Trent begins singing a song he wrote about betrayal, to the annoyance of Dariaoff.
Later, Daria attempts to shore up whatever she has left of her friendship with Jane and calls her, asking if she can visit her at the art colony. Jane initially rejects the offer, until Daria offers to pay her. With the help of Trent, Daria is able to tie up loose ends. Trent uses [[Tank|the Tank]] to drive Daria to the art colony to visit Jane. During the trip, Trent begins singing a song he wrote about betrayal, to the annoyance of Daria.
'''Trent''': Betrayal, yeah, a stab in the back.


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