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Quinn Morgendorffer: Difference between revisions

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Quinn has, on multiple occasions, avoided or rejected sexually suggestive activity and the advances of men. Throughout the series, Quinn is frequently the target of solicitation by adults (who know better). In the episode "[[This Year's Model]]", Quinn grows uneasy as [[Claude]] and [[Romonica DeGregory|Romonica]] solicit Quinn's modeling class into doing sexually suggestive activity, such as when Claude instructs the boys to take their shirts off and have the girls rub the boys' chests. Quinn understandably tries to find a way out of the situation by asking if she can go to the bathroom, but when Romonica tries to entrap Quinn by asking her if that's what she's really feeling, Quinn panics and leaves.
While there are some instances where Quinn recognizes and avoids predatory behavior, she can be just as equally unaware of these situations. In the episode "[[I Don't]]", Quinn strikes up a conversation with the minister, who is clearly attempting to solicit her, although Quinn does not realize it. Luckily, [[Garrett]] finds Quinn, realizes what the minister is trying to do, and engages in a fistfight with the latter. In the episode "[[Lucky Strike]]", Quinn, Sandi and Stacy are mostly unaware of substitute [[Ken Edwards|Mr. Edwards]]' attempts to solicit [[Tiffany Blum-Deckler]]. When Quinn mentions that Mr. Edwards was "stroking" Tiffany's hair during class, a horrified Helen calls the school to have Mr. Edwards fired.
When the Morgendorffers are staying at the [[Le Grand Hotel]] in the episode "[[Fire!]]", the bellboy, [[Bobby Stuart]], begins flattering Quinn and offering her gifts, claiming that his uncle owns the hotel. After Bobby offers Quinn the keys to the Presidential Suite free of charge, [[Sandi Griffin|Sandi]] becomes jealous and tries to convince Quinn that Bobby is a stalker. Quinn grows uneasy from Sandi's coercion. In the end, it turns out that Bobby really ''was'' a stalker, just not in the way Quinn expected. The police investigated and informed Quinn that Bobby had no uncle and that he had been charging the Morgendorffers for the suite before deleting the transactions from the computer.


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