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==Biographical Information==
Wild attended the University of California at Berkeley, graduating with a B.A. in English and History. She later moved to Los Angeles to pursue a professional writing career. Having not found it, she [http://www.thepaperpusher.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=19073 announced] in August 2007 that she would be starting law school in the fall. Wild obtained her law degree in May 2010. In November of that year, she passed the California Bar.
==Early Fandom History==
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Between June and November 1999, Wild turned out a new fanfic every 2 to 3 weeks. Each one, written in the same quasi-script format, took the story a little bit further and a little bit more off canon. The real break from canon came when Wild decided to make Quinn president of the Fashion Club and continue to wear glasses on a regular basis (DWU #6 [[Cheered Down]]). Wild wrote her first eight fanfics in a notebook, then typed them on the computer. She felt that the dialogue came to her faster that way, but as a result, got tendinitis in her wrist and had to settle for writing on the computer. By the time she wrote her ninth full fanfic, September 1999, her series finally had a name: the [[Driven Wild Universe]]. The name came from C.E. Forman, who had written the fanfic Driven Wild for his continuum and jokingly called Wild "Kara 'Driven' Wild." About that time, Wild decided that her continuum would be 22 fanfics long for a "full" season of Daria. Yet as she prepared to write her senior theses at U.C. Berkeley, Wild's writing slowed down, with DWU #12 [[Surreal World]] and #13 [[Erin the Head]] coming out in December and January, respectively.
During the time Wild wrote, her feedback increased steadily, until many fans put her in the same group as other popular authors like Forman, Berry, Klein-Hass, and [[Austin Covello]]. In 1999-2000, most of these writers were winding down, with Forman producing his last Lost Seasons fic, [[Fireworks]] in late 1999, Klein-Hass ending her series with "Best Served Cold," and John Berry producing just two more fanfics. Meanwhile, other popular and notable writers were fast emerging, such as Diane Long, Canadibrit, Jon Kilner, John TakisAdmonisher, [[Milo Minderbinder]], Renfield, and more. Many of these authors preferred to write in prose rather than script, launching many "prose vs. script" debates.
While fanfic authors could write year-round, the premium times were during the [[Drought]] between Seasons and the [[Mini-drought]] during each season. By fall, [[Martin J. Pollard]] had established a fanfiction message board at Outpost Daria and authors and their fans interacted on an unprecedented level. Rather than wait until the Outpost Daria update, authors could announce when their stories were finished and use the thread to solicit feedback.
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[[Image:title_bar.gif|right|Outpost Amy logo, designed by Milo Minderbender]]
In late summer/fall of 2000, Kara Wild showed the pilot of "Abruptly Amy" to C.E. Forman, who loved it immediately. As the pilot hinted that eight episodes had been filmed, but never aired, Wild and Forman discussed writing these episodes. Soon Wild began to recruit other well-known writers to the [[Abruptly Amy (series)|series]]. The writers of the first eight would be Kara Wild ("A.A. A.O.K" and "A Very Amy Christmas"), C.E. Forman ("Corona, Corona" and "Double in Paradise"), Crazy Nutso ("Windy City Walkabout"), Mike Quinn ("Raiding the Bar"), John TakisAdmonisher ("Hot Head, Cold Fetus"), and John Berry ("Disaster Strikes"). The writers sought to write all of the episodes at once so that they could be "aired" once every week for eight weeks. However, delays on John Berry's part meant that there was a few-week gap between the first four and the second four. The last of the eight, "A Very Amy Christmas," premiered December 2000.
While Wild served loosely as the head writer/show runner, the writers tended to come up with their own ideas. John Berry ran with an "Evil Tom" plotline. Crazy Nutso dragged in several random "guest" characters. C.E. Forman developed a wicked nemesis for Amy, complete with a campy secret hideaway. Otherwise, all writers tried to stay true to the show's over-the-top, cliche-ridden tone. The lengths of the finished fanfics tended to vary, with Wild's being amongst the longest and Berry's being the shortest. Milo Minderbinder, meanwhile, offered to draw "screen captures" for each episode.
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From the summer of 1999 through May 2000, Wild wrote several short to medium-length essays: "[[On the Subject of Quinn and Rape]]," "[[The Unflappable Jane Lane]]," "[[Amy: Savior or Chimera?]]", "[[The Helen-Jane-Jodie Connection]]," the afore-mentioned "[[The Moderator Is In]]," "[[The Off-Canon Approach]]," and "[[It Happened to Jane]]."
Some were basic chacter explorations, like "The Unflappable Jane Lane" and "The Helen-Jane-Jodie Connection," while others addressed controversial issues. "On the Subject of Quinn and Rape" took some fanfic authors to task for treating rape like a vehicle for redemption. (Though compared to later essays on the topic, Wild's was relatively mild.) "Amy: Savior or Chimera?" challenged the widespread belief that Amy only cared about or was a grown-up Daria. "The Off-Canon Approach" was a response to authors like [[Daniel Suni]], who believed that only strictly on-canon fanfics met the standard of true Daria fanfiction. "It Happened to Jane" came about because Wild was tired of fans claiming that Jane's character or the show was ruined because of a clumsy episode plotline ("The 'F' Word"). Wild's main point was that if the writers wrote it, it couldn't be off canon or out of character.
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Wild would be involved in a number of other projects, both large and small. Some of these projects were intended to spark controversy and reflection, while others were just for fun.
In early 2002, she joined [[Milo Minderbinder]] and [[Thomas Mikkelsen]] in writing the <b>[[Tales from the Burbs]]</b> series, which consisted of three horror-comedy tales. Wild's contribution was [[Revision]].
In fall of 2002, as a joke, Wild wrote a fake fanfic, [[DariaNTrent For-EVER!!!!]] and a fake author name (Darialuvstrent) with a fake e-mail address, which she then submitted to Fanfiction.net. Her goal was to see whether this attrociously written 'shipper fanfic, just 408 words long, got more feedback than longer, more thoughtful fanfics. Within hours of posting it, Wild saw that someone had posted a link on PPMB. Responses rushed in, both on Fanfiction.net and the PPMB itself. Some fans thought it was fake, while others thought it was real, written by someone who was obviously very young or mentally deficient. Wild finally revealed herself to be the author, provoking appreciation from some and anger from others. Because Wild mentioned in her reveal that the idea came to her after she had posted her Driven Wild Universe fanfics on Fanfiction.net, critics accused her of deceiving them just because she was bitter over not getting more feedback. Wild countered that she had posted her DWU fics in early summer, but did not actually follow through with the spoof fanfic idea until several months later, when she just wanted a little fun after an intense period of script writing. Besides, what if the author had been real? Were the often brutal comments the fanfic received any kinder? In any event, Wild's point was proven. While the better fanfics that surrounded it received maybe 10 comments, "DariaNTrent For-EVER!!!!" snared close to 50. It still exists at [[SUSU]]'s [[Lawndale Leftovers]].
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* [http://www.the-wildone.com/dvdaria/ DVDaria]
* [http://www.the-wildone.com/AA/ Outpost Amy]
* [http://www.glitterberries.freehostia.com/author_karawild.html Fanfics on Glitter Berries]
* [http://wwwweb.archive.org/web/20110519143506/http://outpost-daria.com/fanfic_series_tdwu.html Fanfics on Outpost Daria] (via Wayback Machine)
* [http://ssw.ssw.net/fansub/fanfic/tz/wild/wild.htm Fanfics on Sick, Sad World]
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