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{{Infobox character
[[Image:amelia.jpg|right|Amelia in "Camp Fear"]]
|image= amelia.jpg
[[Daria Morgendorffer]]'s only fan/follower in the series, a teenager at [[Camp Grizzly]] in the episode, "[[Camp Fear]]" (her only appearance or mention in the ''Daria'' series).
|firstappearance=[[Camp Fear]]
|lastappearance=[[Camp Fear]]
|voicedby=[[Sarah Drew]]
|age=About 17
'''Amelia''' is a teenager at [[Camp Grizzly]] in the episode, "[[Camp Fear]]" and [[Daria Morgendorffer]]'s only known fan/follower. Freckled Amelia is taller than Daria and of stockier build, with dark bangs parted in the middle and dark glasses with square frames. She was voiced by [[Sarah Drew]], the voice of [[Stacy]].
{{quote|At least we're not doing that, Daria. [pause] Daria? Did you hear what I said?|Amelia, "[[Camp Fear]]"}}
==Amelia in "Camp Fear"==
[[Image:amelia-d.jpg|left|frame|Daria and Amelia at the reunion]]
Amelia saw herself and Daria as having a lot in common. In fact, the main reason Amelia came to the reunion was so that she could meet Daria again.
Whereas Daria only came to Grizzly the once, Amelia went for an unknown number of years (she says "since I've been coming to this camp") and loathed it.
She idolized Daria as the ultimate rebel, though many of Daria's "rebellious" acts during her stay at [[Camp Grizzly]] could be explained through either bad luck or Daria being ostracised. She's stunned when Daria reveals the truth behind some events - she didn't boycott the End-of-Summer campfire but wasn't invited - but in other cases, like Daria's horse running off and tossing her, Amelia ''had'' known the truth at the time but somehow remembered it as Daria being cool. Amelia's adoration of Daria is so great that when [[Jane Lane|Jane]] refers to Amelia as "Daria having a secret fan club," Amelia takes the statement literally and assumes that Daria has an ''actual'' fan club.
In Amelia's imagination, both she and Daria are examples of independent people "not following the crowd"... or at least she wanted to ''be'' an independent person that didn't follow the crowd. She later admits that she always did what people like [[Skip Stevens]] told her to do, whether she wanted to do it or not, out of fear of social rejection.
When Daria tells Amelia that she doesn't have to follow [[Skip Stevens|Skip's]] planned agenda for the Camp Grizzly reunion, Amelia tells Daria that she wants to hang out with her. Daria tires of Amelia's clinginess and points out that Amelia has done nothing but follow Daria around since her arrival. Daria tells Amelia that she not only doesn't want to follow a crowd around, she doesn't want to gather a crowd, either. She suggests Amelia go practice being an individual somewhere else. Amelia angrily turns against Daria, telling her she's learned the truth: Daria doesn't like ''anybody''.
<br><br><br><br>During Skip's final speech to the campers, Daria comes over to the table where Amelia is sitting alone and makes a sarcastic comment about Skip's speech to ease the tension between them. This prompts Amelia to leave and interrupt Skip's speech with a speech of her own. She criticizes Skip for always talking and never listening to anyone, and says that she had been following Skip against her better judgment. Amelia tells the crowd that the only reason she returned to Camp Grizzly was to meet Daria, her "role model" and "inspiration." She notes that even though Daria is an unpleasant person (her opinion of Daria has clearly changed), Daria follows no one's marching orders. From now on, Amelia will do the same, even if it leaves her a friendless and unpleasant outcast just like Daria.
She ends by stating she will never return to Camp Grizzly. Amelia's heartfelt speech is greeted with the campers' cheers, and they pelt Skip with their Camp Grizzly T-shirts in Amelia's support.
[[Image:amelia-d-s-5.gif|right|thumb|200px|Skip, Amelia, and Daria, five years earlier]]
Before Daria leaves the camp, she and Amelia are partially reconciled. Amelia hopes that her speech didn't hurt Daria's feelings, but Daria commends the speech for its truthfulness. Elsewhere, [[Skip Stevens]] complains on the ride home with [[Quinn Morgendorffer|Quinn]] that Amelia is the "worst camper ever" who "doesn't even try to sing" and "never won anything."
==Amelia in ''Daria'' Fandom==
There is some debate (without supportive evidence) among fans of the ''Daria'' series that Amelia was meant to be an archetype for ''Daria'' fans in general. The meeting between Daria and Amelia was thus (according to this line of thought) meant to be a cautionary tale, showing how Daria would actually react to discovering she had fans.
There is some debate among fans of the series (without supporting evidence) that Amelia was meant to be an archetype for Daria's real-life fans in general: slavishly following her every move, misunderstanding her intentions, pretending to be just like her, etc.). The meeting between Daria and Amelia, according to this line of thought, was meant to be a cautionary tale, showing how Daria would actually react to discovering she had fans. And perhaps a poke at fans to keep their perspective (just a cartoon, after all). No one knows the answer here.
==Amelia in ''Daria'' Fanfic==
Amelia is not often used in ''Daria'' fanfiction. An adult Amelia, a county sheriff in Montana, appears in the [[post-canon]] story "[[Darkness]]," by [[The Angst Guy]], who also showed Amelia shortly after reconnecting with Daria in "[[Prisoner of Hope]]." In an [[alternate-universe]] tale by [[TAG]], "[[After the End]]," Amelia becomes Daria's best friend after [[Jane Lane]]dumps Daria for good after the romatic triangle with [[Tom Sloane]] develops.
One wonders whether Amelia's final rebellion wasn't just another way of imitating her personal idol and not part of a true emotional breakthrough. If Daria dislikes everyone, Amelia figures she can dislike everyone, too. The issue is left unresolved, though it is worth noting that before Daria leaves Amelia makes sure things between her and Daria are patched up. (And didn't Daria make an effort to be reconciled with Amelia before the latter's outburst at Skip? And wouldn't that open the door to Amelia doing the same with Daria?) If Amelia had been serious about her adoption of Daria's attitude, she would not have cared what Daria thought.
It has also been speculated that "[[Camp Fear]]," which featured an unusual number of character [[clone]]s, was using Amelia as a pseudo-[[Jane Lane]] (but an unsuccessful one).
[[Image:amelia-angry.gif|left|frame|Amelia tells off [[Skip Stevens]] in "[[Camp Fear]]"]]
==Amelia in ''Daria'' Fanfiction==
After 2011, Amelia has often been given the fanon surname "Pine" after it was first used in the [[Worldburner]] crossover - a version of Amelia served as a comically bumbling [[Corps of Ringbearers|Ringbearer]].
Amelia is not often used in ''Daria'' fanfiction, but fanfiction has occasionally addressed the issue of whether Amelia could possibly have been friends with Daria under any circumstances. An adult Amelia, now a county sheriff in Montana and Daria's real best friend, appears in the [[post-canon]] story "[[Darkness]]," by [[The Angst Guy]]; and in an [[alternate-universe]] tale by [[TAG]], "[[After the End]]," he also showed Amelia becoming Daria's best friend after [[Jane Lane]] dumps Daria for good when the romantic triangle with [[Tom Sloane]] develops. [[Ms. Hand]] has Amelia become Daria's friend in college in the [[post-canon]] tale, "[[Not Exactly]]."
Other fans have been less optimistic. [[Kristen Bealer]] has often pointed out the selective and unrealistic way Amelia looks at Daria and their relationship, constantly missing cues correcting her false perceptions. "[[Country Wisdom]]" encapsulates this view perfectly as it turns out Amelia was told by Skip that Daria didn't want to come and was too passive to ask Daria herself, to the young girl's contempt. "John Lane 41: [[Friends and Rediscovery]]," by Richard Lobinske, makes a similar point and adds a startling twist as well. In "[[Prisoner of Hope]]", [[TAG]] did depict a depressed Amelia shortly after the end of "[[Camp Fear]]," when she realized Daria could not be her friend after all - in this case putting the onus on Daria rather than Amelia.
A few [[genderswap]] stories have Amelia and a male version of Daria, turning her infatuation into a crush. [[J-D]]'s "[https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7714460/57/Not-So-Different Not So Different]" had 'Sonny' Morgendorffer take mild pleasure in crushing her dream by revealing he's gay. [[Smijey]]'s "[https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7320688/1/Rio_Grizzly Rio Grizzly]", where Darius is a stereotypical 'cowboy' type, ends with the two paired off. Bealer's "[https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12213111/1/Camped-Out Camped Out]" takes a similar turn as Trent goes to the camp reunion instead of Daria and Amelia fixates on him.
And then there's the [[JoeMerl]] [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7942471/39/Paperpushing-It untitled story] working off an [[Iron Chef]] prompt, where instead of Daria, Amelia starts following around a pre-teen [[Anthony DeMartino]]!
Outside of her obsessions with Daria, Amelia also appears as a first- or second-rank character in a number of [[alternate-universe]] fanfics with [[science-fiction]], [[fantasy]], and [[adventure]] themes. These include [[Greystar]]'s "[[Daria AE]]"; [[Galen Hardesty]]'s "Blood Oath of Patriots II", where Amelia is a secret agent; and the aforementioned [[shared world]] sci-fi Amelia Pine, a recurring figure in the [[Worldburner]]/[[Worldhopper]] part of the [[Judith]] stories. The latter was a really ''crap'' Ringbearer but through accidents, luck, and a few inspired instincts (like running away) manages to not just survive but be mistaken for a methodical, competent hero, becoming key to the crossover's resolution.
==Amelia in ''Daria'' Fan Art==
[[Image:SSW Amelia.JPG|right|frame|Sick, Sad World Amelia]]
[[File:Amelia_fanart.JPG|right|thumb|150px|Amelia in "The Camp we used to fear"‎]]
Amelia is one of the characters that was the least depicted in Daria fan art. Her first depiction was one where She was a costumed [[superhero]] type working for ''Sick, Sad World'', from [[DJW]]'s [[Steel Jaguar God Battler Oxidiser X]] series in the mid-2000s. (Her superpower was to turn invisible when nervous.) The image, by [[DJW]], has rarely been seen. Until now.
[[Image:amelia2.gif|right|frame|Amelia, full view]]
==External Links==
'''Information on and Discussion about Amelia'''
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20120710051518/http://www.outpost-daria.com/ts_ep504.html "Camp Fear" transcript] on [[Outpost Daria]] (via Wayback Machine)
* [http://glitterberries.freehostia.com/tvdb/Amelia.htm Amelia] on [[Glitter Berries]]'s [[Daria Character Database]]
* [http://thepaperpusher.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=13550 "Amelia info"] thread on [[PPMB]]
* [http://www.thepaperpusher.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=16492 "Some Friend?"] thread on [[PPMB]] (thread removed)
* [http://www.thepaperpusher.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=15965 "Has she really done it?"] thread on [[PPMB]]
* [http://www.thepaperpusher.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=2397&p=29294#p29294 Excerpt from "P.O.V."] thread on [[PPMB]] (Amelia = ''Daria'' fans?) (thread removed)
'''Fanfiction featuring Amelia'''
* [http://www.theangstguy.com/fanfics/aftertheend.htm "After the End,"] by [[TAG]] ([[AU]])
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20110519152129/http://outpost-daria.com/fanfic/by_any_other_name.html "Blood Oath of Patriots, Part II: By Any Other Name,"] by [[Galen Hardesty]] ([[adventure]]: Amelia as secret agent)
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20110116063123/http://www.outpost-daria.com/fanfic/country_wisdom.html "Country Wisdom,"] by [[Kristen Bealer]] ([[pre-canon]])
* [http://thepaperpusher.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=19056 "Daria AE,"] by [[Greystar]] ([[science fiction]]: Amelia as space colonist)
* [http://www.theangstguy.com/fanfics/darkness.htm "Darkness,"] by [[TAG]] ([[science fiction]]: Amelia as county sheriff)
* [http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4894312/1/Daylight-A-Visit-to-Camp-Grizzly "Daylight: A Visit to Camp Grizzly,"] by [[Richard Lobinske]] ([[science fiction]]: Amelia as post-disaster survivalist)
* [http://brenorenz.byethost7.com/Daria/JL41-FR.html "John Lane 41: Friends and Rediscovery,"] by [[Richard Lobinske]] ([[AU]])
* [http://thepaperpusher.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=27017 "Lawndale’s Finest—Detective Stories 5: Belfry,"] by [[LSauchelli]] ([[superhero]]: Amelia as a doctor in a Batman [[crossover]])
* [http://www.thepaperpusher.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=19271#p260035 "The Mystery Chick 2: Daria Morgendorffer and the Camp of Horrors,"] by [[LSauchelli]] ([[adventure]])
* [http://www.thepaperpusher.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=11263 "Not Exactly,"] by [[Ms. Hand]] ([[post-canon]])
* [http://thepaperpusher.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=33323 Not So Different 57: Second Wind] by [[J-D]], a [[Gender Swap]] AU
* [http://www.thepaperpusher.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=15842 "Open Windows 3: The Long Road to Camp Grizzly,"] by [[DJW]] ([[AU]])
* [http://www.theangstguy.com/fanfics/prisonerofhope.htm "Prisoner of Hope,"] by [[TAG]]
* [http://www.thepaperpusher.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=27396 "Reflections,"] by [[MidnightStorm]] ([[WIP]] [[AU]])
* [http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7320688/1/Rio_Grizzly "Rio Grizzly"] by [[Smileyfax]] ([[AU]], gender-swapped Daria)
* [http://thepaperpusher.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=22384 "Reign of the Darias,"] by [[LSauchelli]] ([[WIP]] [[fantasy]]: Amelia as a vampire)
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20080908013651/http://www.outpost-daria.com/fanfic/sjg02_the_spiked_6-pack.html "Steel Jaguar God Battler Oxidiser X: The Spiked 6-Pack,"] by [[DJW]] ([[science fiction]]: Amelia as a ''[[Sick, Sad World]]'' reporter who can turn invisible)
* [http://www.wwoec.com/artist/saiyaman/cof.htm "The Camp we used to fear"] by Wouter Jaegers, unfinished.
[[Category:Canon Characters]]
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