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Jim Vitale: Difference between revisions

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* In [[Where's Mary Sue When You Need Her?|Where's Mary Sue]], he is depicted having an affair with [[Linda Griffin]], [[Sandi Griffin|Sandi's]] mother.
* In "Where's Mary Sue" and some later uses like [[God Save The Esteem]], Vitale admires Helen's work ethic and strength, and is quite attracted to her - and entirely willing to confront her with this attraction, even though (as in "Where's Mary Sue") this unnerves and frightens her.
* Usually calls Eric Schrecter, Helen's boss, "[[asshat,]]", and holds him in great contempt. The term has come to be his signature insult.
* Collects wine, notably first-growth Bordeaux and Sauturnes, and keeps a selection of excellent liquors on hand.
* Smokes cigars, especially where smoking is prohibited. He prefers the (Cuban) [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partagas#Vitolas_in_the_Cuban_Partag.C3.A1s_Line Partagas Lusitania].


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