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===Genius Daria===
That Daria is quite intelligent is a given, but exactly how intelligent she is has been a subject for intense debate. It is usually the case that she is exactly as intelligent as a fanfic author wants her to be, and in some cases she can be a savant on almost any topic imaginable. Extremes tend to portray Daria as knowledgeable about everything from the proper use of high explosives to calculus. It is not often that Daria admits that she doesn't know the answer to a particular problem.
===Bitch Daria===
In contrast to the standard fanfic portrayal of Daria as persecuted hero who overcomes the stupidity of others, an increasingly popular fanfic portrayal of Daria is of Daria not as persecuted but persecutor. In such stories, Daria is portrayed not as the only intelligent person in a world given to shallowness, but as a woman of harsh standards applied to others with a judgmental and intolerant attitude. Usually, this intolerance is given as the reason for Daria's social unpopularity; in other words, Daria's outcast status is her own fault, because she sees herself as better than her peers, either knowingly or unknowingly. The amount of blame cast on Daria and her opportunities for redemption vary from writer to writer and story to story. The line between protagonist and antagonist is often blurred in such fics, as Daria can be seen as both or neither, as at least some of her behavior and character is cast in a negative light.
Intimations of this viewpoint can be seen even in some early fics, such as [[John Takis]]'s [[Daria's Christmas Carol]], but the genre was first fully developed in the [[Brother Grimace]] fics [[The Sun Will Come Out, Tomorrow]] and [[It's All About Respect]].
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