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Amanda has only two speaking appearances, in episodes "[[Lane Miserables]]" and "[[Art Burn]]", often being absent from
[[Lawndale]]. In fact, Vicent and Amanda's constant absence from the Lane household is, a recurring theme in ''Daria''., Janeis mentionsoften itmentioned in passing during some episodes by Jane, though she does not seem too upset by it. In one episode, Jane herself describes Amanda and Vicent's parenting as "benign neglect".
Amanda is seen working in her workshop with a kiln and a potter's wheel when she is at home. In the broadcast episodes, it appears that her workshop is in the basement of the Lane house. However,(though the map of [[Lawndale]] in "[[The Daria Diaries]]" indicates it is in an old bomb shelter).
From her appearance in [[Lane Miserables]], Amanda seems a very mellow and relaxed woman, maintaining a extremely laid back attitude regarding parenthood, ignoring the problems and confusion around her and being somewhat lax in enforcing rules around her house. This behavior eventually turns agaist her in ''Lane Miserables'', as she eventually is overwhelmed bywhen the sudden concentration of the Lane family members in her house andoverwhelms goesher inand despairshe has to go ask help fromto [[Helen Morgendorffer|Helen]] in ways to get her own house back.
Later in the episode, Vincent comments to Wind that Amanda and himself try to work their marriage issues by role-playing and hitting each other with foam rubber bats.
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