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[[Image:Dariascientist.jpg|right|frame|How Daria viewed her future self in "[[Lane Miserables]]"]]
All we know about Daria's [[post -canon]] life is that she goes to [[Raft College]]. We don't know what course she did there. We do know how Daria and other people viewed her future as turning out, at different points:
* In [[Highland]], Daria is interested in becoming an investigative reporter/enquiring photographer combo and is left frustrated when the [[Highland Herald]] will only let her be a fashion photographer "because ''I'm'' a ''girl''". ("[[Sporting Goods]]") Later on, in "[[Career Day]]", she was hanging around the booth for an educational publishing company.
* In "[[The Daria Diaries]]", she expresses a desire to be a writer... "a bitter, angry hack who starts fights fistfights at cocktail parties."
* "[[Write Where it Hurts]]" shows how she ''wants'' life to be, circa S2: in her story, she's a married woman and a crusading writer whose columns are influential. She's also getting on well with both her mother and Quinn.
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* Helen tells her that she's in serious danger of becoming incapable of human interaction in "[[Is It Fall Yet?]]". A year later, after her relationship with Tom failed, Daria was briefly afraid that she'd be lonely forever ("[[Is It College Yet?]]").
* A gag "[[Alter Ego|future ego]]" at the end of IICY? showed her and Jane as breakfast TV hosts on a self-titled show.
==Fanfic Stereotypes==


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