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==Fanfic Stereotypes==
''Main article: [[Fanfiction stereotypes of Daria]]''
[[Image:Daria Morgendorffer from Credits.jpg|thumb|200px|left|Daria Morgendorffer as she appears in the opening sequence in ''Daria'']]
===Daria Triumphant===
[[Tired Daria Fandom Tropes#Daria triumphs over all odds|Daria Triumphant]] (see also [[Tired Daria Fandom Tropes#Daria is omni-competent and damn near omnipotent|here]]) is the Daria of seasons one and two, the Daria who always wins at the end of the episode or, at worst, breaks even. She is the one most in tune with what's really going on, the one best able to detect hypocrisy, duplicity, idiocy, pretension, and doomed enterprises—and avoid them. (Jane can do this 90% of the time, but her libido screws it up a little, as with Evan in "[[See Jane Run]].") Daria does all this while being a lazy, irritable, smart-mouthed teenager unencumbered by self-doubt or fear of authority. She is nobody's fool and is the master of her own ship.
The third season drifted away from this characterization (in "[[Just Add Water]]" this trope never appears), and [[The Kiss]] and [[Tom_Sloane#The "Love_Triangle" Story Arc|The Triangle]] largely spelled the end of it. However, the trope reappeared once in a rare while (e.g., "[[Fizz Ed]]"), though Daria had to struggle harder to win out in the end, or at least break even. This change appears related to Daria getting ''older'' and having to deal with a more complicated world than before, especially in series 5: "[[Prize Fighters]]" even has her and Jane noting that they're dealing with problems they never used to because they're getting older.
===Genius Daria===
That Daria is quite intelligent is a given, but exactly how intelligent she is has been a subject for intense debate. It is usually the case that she is exactly as intelligent as a fanfic author wants her to be, and [[Tired Daria Fandom Tropes#Daria is omnicompetent and damn near omnipotent|in some cases she can be a savant]] on almost any topic imaginable. Extremes tend to portray Daria as knowledgeable about everything from the proper use of high explosives to calculus. It is not often that Daria admits in fanfic that she doesn't know the answer to a particular problem.
===Bitch Daria===
[[Image:DariaGraham.jpg|thumb|250px|right|Now in this case, she's ''right'' to think she's better than him...]]
In contrast to the standard fanfic portrayal of Daria as a persecuted hero who overcomes the stupidity of others, an increasingly popular fanfic portrayal of Daria is of Daria not as the persecuted, but the persecutor. In such stories, Daria is portrayed not as the only intelligent person in a world given to shallowness, but as a woman of harsh standards applied to others with a judgmental and intolerant attitude. Usually, this intolerance is given as the reason for Daria's social unpopularity; in other words, Daria's outcast status is her own fault, because she sees herself as better than her peers, either knowingly or unknowingly. The amount of blame cast on Daria and her opportunities for redemption vary from writer to writer and story to story. The line between protagonist and antagonist is often blurred in such fics, as Daria can be seen as both or neither, as at least some of her behavior and character is cast in a negative light. (See [[Evil Daria]].)
"Bitch Daria" notably appeared in canon as well, usually after the debut of Tom Sloane, as the show made the character (and viewers) acknowledge her more negative traits: examples would be "See Jane Run", "Jane's Addition", "Partner's Complaint".
Intimations of this viewpoint can be seen even in some early fics, such as [[Admonisher]]'s "[[Daria's Christmas Carol]]" and [[Austin Covello]]'s "[[Otherwise Known as Quinn the Great]]," but the genre was first fully developed in [[Brother Grimace]]'s fics, "[[The Sun Will Come Out, Tomorrow]]" and "[[It's All About Respect]]." See also [[The Angst Guy]]'s "[[Prisoner of Hope]]."
===Sexy Daria===
[[Image:FoxyDaria.jpg|thumb|80px|left|Quinn-styled Daria in "[[Quinn the Brain]]"]]
According to some fans of ''Daria'', there are [[rare shots|episodes]] such as "[[Quinn the Brain]]" that indicate Daria is just as physically attractive (if not more so) than the majority of girls at [[Lawndale High]]. Because of these episodes, a fanfic stereotype has arisen in which Daria actively resists making herself sexually desirable to the opposite sex for several reasons. Paramount among them are her admittedly high standards and her fear of being hurt emotionally after putting her trust in others. Thus, she refuses to put herself in situations where romance is a possibility.
In some of these fics, Daria is either passive or actively working towards maintaining her facade of unattractiveness for the reasons stated above; in some cases, she lowers her guard to devastating results. Fics of this nature include "[[The Beaches of Barksdale]]" by [[Galen Hardesty]]. A second subset of this trope involves Daria lowering her defenses, including the changing of her [[canon]]ic garb and [[manstopper glasses]], as she finds a person worthy of trust; in stories of this nature, Daria (when allowing her physical nature to assert itself) is usually seen as a woman with a extraordinarily romantic and passionate nature, as she has found someone to express her inner desires and feelings with without fear of rejection, betrayal or abandonment. Such fics and serials include the works of [[Richard Lobinske]], [[The Other Side of Time]] series by [[The Sidhe]], the [[I trust you]] Dariarotica comic by [[Wouter]] and the [[Pause in the Air]] series by [[The Angst Guy]].
One notable inversion of this trope is found fics such as [[Galen Hardesty]]'s "[[Kidnapped]]", "[[Turnabout Confusion]]" by [[Dennis]], "[[The Devil in Miss Morgendorffer]]" by [[Brother Grimace]], and the [[Legion of Lawndale Heroes]] series. In this subtrope, Daria is discovered to be attractive, but not willingly or by her own choice, and still comports herself as before while also how having to fend off the slavering attraction of young men (and some women). [[BlackHole]]'s "[[Size Does Matter]]" may also fall into this subtrope, as well.
Some fans also feel that the use of depictions of physical intimacy within such fics can be seen as a barometer of the quality of the work; these fans believe that with a greater use of graphic scenes of intimacy within the work, there is a equal decrease of the overall quality of the fic involved. These fans believe that the best fics depicting this Daria trope illuminate Daria's blossoming or aroused sexual/romantic nature without the need for such intimate details, and by not using them, project a more arousing image of the character.
===Cold Daria===
This is the [[Tired Daria Fandom Tropes#"Cold Daria"|often-seen trope]] that Daria is too cold, emotionally distant, or emotionally damaged to successfully have a romantic relationship without significant changes to her personality. In the early years of the fandom, some writers supposed that Daria had been sexually molested as a child in [[Highland]], perhaps by [[Beavis and Butt-head]], [[Todd Ianuzzi]], or other lowlifes. As a consequence she does not want to be touched, hugged, etc. (For one example, see [[Daria: The OAV's]].) The concept is still used in fanfiction in various dramatic ways.
===Violent Daria===
In the series, Daria rarely showed an inclination to hit anyone, and then it was only in childhood sibling fights with [[Quinn Morgendorffer|Quinn]] (not counting the time Daria punched Quinn at the end of "[[The New Kid]]"). Still, her attitude and obvious anger issues have led some fanfic writers to assume Daria is violence-prone and willing to strike out if pushed far enough (or if pushed even a little bit). She has even shown this attitude toward Jane at times, which is rather startling to read. One shocking example of this variation is seen in "[[It's All About Respect]]," when Daria verbally decimates [[Trent Lane]] and [[Jesse Moreno]], and then, in a memorable scene, tears through three rogue bikers (one of whom, among other injuries, loses a testicle) who attempt to rape her and steals their valuables afterward. "[[Heroes]]" by [[Lew Richardson]] features a montage where Daria, after being pushed past the brink, manages to severely brutalise drunken thugs without even being fully aware of what's going on.
This can also be linked in with Bitch Daria, and especially linked to [[Evil Daria]]. It can sometimes be the end result of a Shattered Daria situation, where Daria has undergone some trauma and comes out of it more violent and dangerous: [[NightGoblyn]]'s "[[The Misery Chicks]]" is an example of this.
===Daria the Telepath===
Although there are many stories where Daria and her friends are [[superheroes]] or possess powers, it seems that there is a subtle bent in fanfic towards Daria possessing ''psychic'' abilities (usually telepathy or some form of mind control). Among those stories are:
*[[Estrangesters]], by [[Ostragoth]]
*[[It's All About Respect]], by [[Brother Grimace]]
*[[It's All About The Mission]], by [[Psychotol]]
*[[Legion of Lawndale Heroes]], by [[Roentgen]] and [[Brother Grimace]]
*[[Hell Hath No Fury]], by [[Danny Bronstein]]
*[[Avalon]], by [[Legendeld]]
*[[False Starts]] by [[thatLONERchick]] ("The Psychic One," appropriately enough)
===Autistic Daria===
Since 2005, the idea has been periodically raised as to whether Daria might be a high-functioning autistic person or have Asperger's Syndrome. Numerous threads on [[PPMB]] have been spun around this idea, as well as one notable fanfic.
* [http://thepaperpusher.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=28786 Daria and Asperger Syndrome] (2010)
* [http://thepaperpusher.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=23843 Thanks, Shinai, whoever you are...] (2008)
* [http://dariablog2.blogspot.com/2008/06/is-she-or-isnt-she-autistic-i-mean.html Is She or Isn't She? Autistic, I Mean] (2008, [[DFB2]] post with comments)
* [http://thepaperpusher.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=9716&p=135688#p135688 How intelligent is Daria, anyway?] (2005, segment)
* [http://thepaperpusher.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=7106 Is Daria Autistic?] (2005, the original thread)
* [http://www.outpost-daria.com/fanfic/pieces_of_the_rainbow.html "Pieces of the Rainbow"] by [[Shinai]] (fanfic about Daria having autism)
===Shattered Daria===
Episodes like [[See Jane Run]] (where Daria talks to herself when Jane seems gone) and [[Boxing Daria]] (where she mentally & physically retreats into the box) show Daria at risk of nervous breakdowns when under extreme stress. A large number of angst-based fics have run with this, with Daria having breakdowns, developing strangely, or always having been psychologically disturbed. This trait is sometimes related to the Cold Daria and Violent Daria traits, and is sometimes the basis for [[Evil Daria]].
Examples of Shattered Daria include [[Daria 2007: The Girl from Hope]] by [[The Angst Guy]].
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