Talk:Stacy Rowe

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Why was my addition removed? The Stacy debate is an ongoing one. --Starmeshelion 15:23, 7 June 2007 (EDT)


Based on the outpost-Daria transcripts and the viweing of the episodes, Stacy appears in the following episodes:

Speaking appearances:

  • 101
  • 105
  • 106
  • 109
  • 111
  • 202
  • 203
  • 206 to 208
  • 210 to 212
  • 302 to 305
  • 307
  • 309 to 312
  • 402 to 407
  • 409 to 413
  • 503
  • 505 to 510
  • 512
  • both "IIFY?" and "IICY?"

I noted no episodes or movies in which Stacy appears on the screen and does not speak. However, please Note that:

  • in 305, she only says "hi" the whole episode
  • in 512, she is only heard crying off-camera: I counted that as a speaking appearance

Total: speaking appearances in: 41 episodes and 2 Daria movies.

--JPAGC 15:18, 24 May 2010 (CDT)


"Doomed Stacy" isn't an example of Women in Refrigerators. WiR is a trope in which something bad happens to a secondary female character in order to provide motivation for the primary male character. Without that second aspect, it's not an example of WiR. If nobody objects (and I have spare time -sigh-) I'll cruise back by in a day or so and remove the reference.

NightGoblyn (talk) 14:10, 11 December 2014 (CST)