The New Kid

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“The New Kid” was the seventh episode of the second season of Daria (episode number 207). It first aired on MTV on March 29, 1998.

"The New Kid" was written by Sam Johnson and Chris Marcil.


After some gentle nudging from Jodie and the promise of web authoring software from her parents, Daria applies to be a photographer for the Lawndale High yearbook, where she meets photo editor Ted DeWitt-Clinton, a previously home-schooled teen who is remarkably sheltered yet savvy in unexpected ways. After some fencing, they each let it slip that they like each other.

Daria's Reading Material

  • In the scene immediately after her first meeting Ted, Daria is shown in Jane's room reading a monograph on Goya, Ted having previously said Daria's photographs remind him of Goya's paintings.
  • In a subsequent scene, Daria is shown in her room reading Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet while Quinn complains to her of the new yearbook policy to reduce the pages alloted for sports and clubs.
  • At a scene in an arcade near the end of the episode, Daria is shown reading an book without a title on its cover.

“The New Kid” and Fanfic

External Links

On “The New Kid” the Episode

Alternate Universe Versions of “The New Kid”

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