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Zoey is easily the single best hand-to-hand combatant within The Alliance, with a '''lifetime''' of training in Ninjitsu (supplemented with training at the Wind Ninja Academy, which she attended for her required internship year). She is especially proficent in fighting with thrown weapons, javelins and the 'bo staff'. Zoey also has championship-level tumbling and acrobatic abilities.
Zoey is majoring in pre-medicinemarine sciences and nursing, and has already earned her Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) certificationand SCUBA certifications (she is an expert diver). She spent her internship year as an EMT with a Florida Coast Guard unit (with a brevet rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade); consequently, Zoey was the '''only''' member of The Alliance to see action in New Orleans as a result of the Hurricane Katrina crisis. Zoey speaks Spanish like a native of a Latin American country (and has the accent of a native of Columbia, because of her nanny, whose family came from Bogotá. She also ''swears'' in Spanish). She is also a VERY fashion-conscious individual, and is very knowledgable in current and classical clothing fashion trends and styles. Despite her personality, Zoey is easily the smartest member of The Alliance, and can easily pick up new skills (even highly technical ones) in a very short time.
Zoey was born with several mutant abilities; super-vision (both telescopic and microscopic, along with infra-red), protected vision (she cannot be blinded by any means), and super-strength (at Kryptonian levels - but only for the purposes of throwing objects). As a result of her powers, Zoey can attack objects and persons at literally 'line-of-sight' range (anything she can see, she can try to hit).
Zoey also possessed a limited form of invunerability; she is ''totally resistant'' to any force below the effect of a [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satchel_charge satchel charge] (roughly 20 pounds of C-4 explosive), as well as other forms of harm (corrosives, gases, lasers, etc.). Her effective 'time of resistance' has been charted at roughly 10 minutes before she begins to feel the effect of the weapons (this is relation to the intensity/time of lethal effect upon an average human).
Zoey's primary ability is the creation of 'javelins' of various forms through the power of her mind. These 'javelins' materialize in her hand(s), and can be of varying effects. At present, she has created the foillowing forms of Javelins:
===The 'Victory Morpher'===
*normal (with razor tips)
*blunt-tipped (for hand-to-hand combat)
*explosive (variable effect; up to a 500-pound bomb)
*monofilament-tipped (armor-piercing) explosive
*Vapor (after release, emits a rapidly expanding fine cloud of tranquilizing mists that will haarmlessly render targets unconcious)
*'Containment Mist (upon contact, the javelin releases a odorless, colorless, tasteless gas that - thirty seconds later - changes into a thick, gelatinous (and gas-permeable) fluid that captures and pacifies the target (the mist has an active sedation agent that is absorbed through the skin)
*'resonance' (emits a vibratory pulse that causes the javelin to go into a constant state of interdimensional phase, thus being able to affect out-of-phase targets)
*Plasma (the equal effect of a heavy plasma blast)
*Stun (blunt-topped; emits a electrostatic pulse on contact - using two allows a electric bolt to be projected at a target)
*Pyro (generates a superheated field of liquidified plasma on contact)
*Nullifier (upon contact, emits both a neural pulse and a contact enzyme that can render a metahuman powerless for up to three minutes; '''very''' powerful beings will suffer a significant decrease in power levels)
*Nuclear (detonates with the equal force of a 50-kiloton nuclear device; will detonate within 60 seconds OR upon mental command)
All of Zoey's javelins can be ''immediately'' dissipated by her mental command, or if she is rendered unconscious. It is physically and mentally draining for Zoey to create her 'javelins', and she can only create roughly one hundred (of any type) before she must rest.
Zoey was given a battlesuit by Professor Hiram Blumenberg, the mentor for The Alliance. It allows her to operate underwater, and has various modifications made to allow Zoey to engage in undersea combat.