Alfred Joyce Kilmer Library

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Revision as of 15:46, 15 May 2007 by m>The Angst Guy

A public library in Lawndale, first seen and named in the episode "See Jane Run." The library appears to be named for the American poet (1886-1918) killed in World War I, who in 1913 wrote “Trees” (“I think that I shall never see / A poem lovely as a tree”). It might be the main branch of the Lawndale Public Library system, a branch of which is seen near Lawndale High in "A Tree Grows in Lawndale." Ironically, the view of the library in "See Jane Run" shows very few trees near it; the grounds around it are mostly grassy.

The Library in Fanfic

Though many fanfics include a library in the suburb of Lawndale, few use the proper name that appears on the sign in front of the building in "See Jane Run." The Kilmer library has appeared, by name, in C.E. Forman's "Accept No Substitutes, Michelle Klein-Häss's "Mazel Tov" (from her Lawndale, CT Continuum), Richard Lobinske's "It's Not All Bad" (from the First Summer series), and in The Angst Guy's "Smoking Mirror" and "Forgotten but not Gone."

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