"Art Burn" was the seventh episode of the fifth season of the TV series Daria (episode number 507). It first aired on MTV on April 2, 2001.

Art Burn
Production Number 507
Original Airdate April 2nd, 2001
Special Guest Voices
Written By Dan Vebber
Directed By

"Art Burn" was written by Dan Vebber.


Jane takes a job producing copies of great artistic works for Gary of Gary's Gallery, then begins to wonder if she is part of a fraud ring. She also discovers she is getting too "burned" out to produce her own, original art. A subplot concerns Trent's and Jane's attempts to rebuild the Lane family's gazebo after Mystik Spiral destroys it.

"Art Burn" and Fanfic



This episode features an appearance by Wind Lane, Amanda Lane, and Vincent Lane.

The thing that finally causes Jane to leave the job is when Steve Taylor (not knowing she's the artist) points out that one of her reproductions has "lazy" brushwork in one place and it's merely "decent for the price"; the idea of her art being mediocre gets to her.

External Links

On “Art Burn” the Episode


Alternate-Universe Versions of “Art Burn”


Alternate Canon Versions of “Art Burn”


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Preceded by
Lucky Strike (506)
Daria Episodes
"Art Burn," season 5, episode 7
Succeeded by
One J at a Time