Arts 'N Crass

Revision as of 23:39, 31 May 2010 by m>JPAGC (plot summary)

“Arts 'N Crass” was the first episode of the second season of Daria (episode number 201). It first aired on MTV on February 16, 1998.

Arts 'N Crass
Production Number 201
Original Airdate February 16, 1998
Special Guest Voices
Written By Glenn Eichler
Directed By

"Arts 'N Crass" was written by Glenn Eichler.


At Lawndale High, Arts Class is interrupted by Angela Li and Timothy O'Neill, who announce that the school participating in a state-wide art contest whith the theme “Student Life At the Dawn of the New Millenium”, with (practically) mandatory participation. At the end of the class, DeFoe tells Jane she is eager to see what the she will paint for the contest, her enthusiasm and praise overuling Jane's reluctance to enter an art contest.

That afternoon, while walking home, Jane comments to Daria that the message on the poster does not have to be positive and, after some insistence, is able to recruit Daria's help with it. At the pizza place later on, the two friends brainstorm ideas for the poster and, many pizzas later, Daria has an revelation based on how sick they feel.

A few days later, at arts class, DeFoe surveys her students posters: Upchuck has produced an elaborate painting portraing him with a nice a car and two female companions. Brittany presents a simple poster advising against the use of drugs. As to Jane, she presents the painting of a beatiful young woman smiling at a mirror... and a small poem revealing the girl is anorex. DeFoe is first uneasy about the poster, criticizing the percieved take on people with eating disorders or low self-image, but changes her mind and accepts the painting when Jane and Daria explain that its purpose is to show that the pretiness of the girl comes at a price.

The two girls, however, are called to the principal's office, where she and O'Neill state that the poem is too negative and unnaceptable, and try to have it changed. Both girls refuse, stating that changing it would subvert the intended message. Faced with their stuborness, Li negotiates a one-day wait for all to think about them and has O'Neill call the girl's parents: nobody answers from the Lane's; a stressed and busy Helen has the english teacher rush through an explanation; and Jake's eagerness to answer the phone (who he thinks could be a potential client) scares Mr. O'Neill off.

That night, at dinner, while Jake is serving his pasta a la pesto and commenting on the food, Helen tries to convince Daria to have a less cynical and negative attitude, but Daria stands by her convictions and the poster message, with her father supporting her, and only promises to listen to O'Neils point of view.

The following day, Daria and Jane agree to O'Neill's proposition: he'll change the poem, and, if the girls don't like it, it can revert to the original form. However, they are disgusted by the teacher's text (which emphasizes good nutrition and omits any references to anorexia) and refuse to accept it. When they try to have the poster back, Mrs. Li says the agreement made by O'Neill has no value and that the poster will enter the contest with the edited text.

While walking home, Daria and Jane talk about the injustice of the situation and decide to take action. They go to the school that evening and spray the painting with a “no” symbol.

The next day, Daria and Jane are called again to the pricinpal's office for the seemingly act of vandalism. A furious Mrs. Li phones Helen. However, her complaint that the teenagers had defaced the poster hits against Helen's desconstruction of the events and the description of the principal's series of unethical/ illegal actions regarding the painting and its display in the contest.

Later, at the Pizza Prince, while Daria and Jane comment on the victory and Daria proposes to write a short story based on the pat days events, an ecstatic Brittany annouces she has won the art contest.

“Arts 'N Crass” and Fanfic

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Preceded by
The Misery Chick (113)
Daria Episodes
"Arts 'N Crass," Season 2, Episode 1
Succeeded by
The Daria Hunter