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Revision as of 15:09, 11 May 2007 by m>The Angst Guy

An Internet company depicted in "Sappy Anniversary." Jake Morgendorffer goes to work for "Buzzdome Dot Com" for a brief period but is fired when he blows an important presentation—then is rehired as a consultant, taking back his old job. Buzzdome presented a variety of interesting characters that have been little used in Daria fanfic: the 24-year-old ultra-rich president, Noah Barkman; redheaded Nora the information architext; Xiangdong (Zhengdong?) the interactive strategist; Sameer (Zameer?), the "brain trust"; and the maladjusted consumer-service rep, Jacklene. (Note: The correct spelling of some of these characters' names is in dispute.) doesn't often appear in Daria fanfic. One example is The Angst Guy's "A Knight to Remember," which postulates that the company was swept away in the so-called dot-com crash in 2000, and some of the possible reasons for that. Comments