Daria & Jodie

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Daria & Jodie is a proposed revival of the Daria TV series. The revival has been described as a "re-imagining" of the series which will center around the title characters Daria Morgendorffer and Jodie Landon. The new series was first disclosed in an article from the AV Club website written on June 21, 2018.


The new series was announced as a trio of productions from MTV Studios which included revivals of Aeon Flux and The Real World.

The creator/helm of the new series was announced as Grace Nkenge Edwards, a writer's assistant and story editor for such shows as Ugly Americans, Broad City, The Unsinkable Kimmy Schmidt and Inside Amy Schumer who previously taught screenwriting at Columbia University. (Twitter: @gracyact)

Little else is known about the new series. It is unknown if any of the principal writers or voice talent will return, or if the series will be animation or live action.