Gail Timmes

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A fictional character in A Path of Roses and Thorns, Gail Timmes is Lyle Wallister's co-anchor on the WRAM-19 News evening broadcasts. A former Miss America (and loathed by Lyle because of it and her 'apparently undeserved' ascension to the main desk), Gail is a petite (5'0), classical beauty of twenty-three years with thick, strawberry-blonde hair, large, jade-green eyes and an exceptionally femimine form. She has been very taken with Maurice 'Reese' Wyatt from the moment she met him, and has remained so even after his marriage to Amy Barksdale. However, she has managed to keep her feelings on a professional level.

Gail is referred to by some WRAM staffers as 'the Red Menace' (even though she is a very talented journalist and on-air talent), and is known as a very strong, accomplished swimmer.