Glen Bates

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Glen Bates is a fictional character in Doggieboy's Apocalyptic Daria. He is staying at the Carthage UMC Rescue Center while Daria Morgendorffer and Jane Lane are there.

Glen witnessed Jane's shooting of Bruce Keever after Keever attempted to rape her. He supports Jane's actions and befriends her and Daria.

Glen is in his 80's and served in the United States Marine Corps as an infantryman during the Korean Conflict. A widower, his wife bore an uncanny resemblance to Jane, but he felt nothing more than fatherly affection for her, as well as respect for her abilities.

Glen was one of the victims of Martha Peters' insanity-fueled shooting spree, dying of a gushot wound to the chest. He bequeathed several of his worldly goods to Jane, including several photographs of his wife.