Incontinent Love is a song by Mystik Spiral, written by Glenn Eichler. It is seen in the draft script for the Mystik Spiral pilot episode, which can be found on the DVD-ROM .exe file in Daria: The Complete Animated Series.

Since the Mystik Spiral show was never produced due to MTV Animation closing its doors, the lyrics were never set to music. Eichler noted in the opening notes of Daria: The Complete Animated Series that one of his biggest disappointments was that he never got to hear "Incontinent Love" set to music.

Lyrics Edit

Now you say that maybe/We'd be better off as friends Our love's become a soggy thing/That needs to wear Depends!

Incontinent love! Incontinent love!

Draining the dragon of our dreams!

Every time I call you/You don't have time to speak When I ask you why you say/Our love has sprung a leak!

Incontinent love! Incontinent love!

Watering the turnip of our dreams!