Joey is a student in Lawndale High School, in the same class as Quinn Morgendorffer. He is part of the Three Js, a group of boys that follow Quinn around, attending to her every whim.

First appearance The Invitation
Last appearance Is It College Yet?
Voiced by ? (either of Steven Huppert, John Worth Lynn, Jr. or Tim Novikoff)
Episode count 31 episodes (one non-speaking)
2 Daria TV movies
Gender Male
Age 15-17
Occupation Student at Lawndale High
Family ?
Significant other(s) {{{significantother}}}


Joey is recognizable amoung the Three J's due to his black hair. He is part of the football team.

Joey has a small entry in The Daria Diaries.

In "Fair Enough", DeMartino refers to Joey as using dyslexia as an excuse for bad schoolwork; whether he's genuinely dyslexic wasn't stated.

Joey's surname was never mentioned on the books nor on the show. A fanfiction surname is "Black", playing on Jamie White's canon surname.

In "One J at a Time", Quinn "goes steady" with Joey - but only after trying Jamie first.

In Fanfiction

The three J's are a regular appearances in fanfiction, but presence of these boys as singular induviduals is rarer. Joey appears in:

  • Winter in Hell, also by TAG - the author used elements of both the above stories in this one. Joey makes a small but important appearance.
  • Turnabout Confusion, by Dennis - where he is the only one of the three Js who remains committed to Quinn after her fall from popularity.