Lauriel de la Ribas

From DariaWiki


Lauriel de la Ribas is the star chef at Chez Pierre, one of the best eateries in the area. In her mid-thirties, Lauriel is an incredibly attractive Latina who has spent almost the last twenty years of her life involved in mastering the culinary arts.

Lauriel and Jake met when she became a client of his, and he helped in the promotion strategy that took her television program up in the ratings and to the notice of the Food Network, who gave her a deal for her show. Lauriel and Jake are very close friends, as Jane has been able to talk to things with Lauriel that he seemingly hasn’t with Helen, and her ability to listen without reservation or judgment has helped Jake keep from going off into rants when talking about his father. Lauriel has realized that she’s falling in love with Jake, as have several others – including Helen, who hates her with a passion (and secretly is quite jealous of her as well). Quinn, however, has bonded with her also, and sees her as a prized older sister., and the changing nature of her relationship with Jake is causing her some inner turmoil.

Other Biographical Information

Full Name: Lauriel Elena de la Ribas

Occupation: Master chef, television personality

Identity: Publicly known.

Legal Status: U.S. Citizen.

Other Aliases: None

Former Aliases: None.

Place of Birth: Wickenberg, New Mexico

Marital Status: Single.

Known Relatives: None.

Group Affiliation(s): None


Lauriel is 6’3, weighs 145 pounds, and has black hair and eyes.

Lauriel is a four-star chef who is well-known for her skills in preparing French and Southwestern (‘Tex-Mex’) cuisine. She specializes in seafood dishes.

Lauriel is a very well-dressed woman, and can usually be seen in quite fashionable attire when not in the kitchen. She prefers to wear skirts.

Lauriel is a practicing Catholic.

She is the host of a very popular cable-access program called ‘North of the Border’. The show has attracted its own fan club, the members of which call themselves ‘Border Crossers’, and Charles ‘Upchuck’ Ruttheimer has a special section on his web site devoted to Lauriel. He refers to himself as her ‘Number One Fan’.

In an ironic turn, the events of the AU-novella The Winters Of Those Gone Before showed Lauriel and Helen developing an immediate and mutual attraction upon meeting at Schloss Morgendorffer, which Lauriel had purchased from her.

First Appearance

Lauriel was first seen in It's All About Respect.

Other appearances

Lauriel was seen in the final scenes of The Winters Of Those Gone Before.