Lucky Strike

Revision as of 22:15, 9 April 2008 by m>ScissorsMacGillicutty (Added author attribution; added episode season and number; added summary, trivia, and mention of TAG's "It Slipped.")

"Lucky Strike" was the sixth episode of the fifth season of Daria (episode number 506). It first aired on MTV on March 26, 2001.

"Lucky Strike" was written by Peter Elwell.


The teachers of Lawndale High, unable to reach an agreement with the school district (on whose behalf Ms. Li negotiates) go on strike. Students are still required to attend classes, however, Ms. Li having found substitutes ranging from the senile (a Mrs. Stoller who believes her charges are first graders) to the pedophile (Ken Edwards, an unself-conscious and irony-free version of Vladimir Nabokov's Humbert Humbert.) After Quinn lets it slip to her mother that Mr. Edwards' attention to Tiffany in class borders on the inappropriate if not indecent, Helen calls the school to threaten legal action. Ken Edwards is summarily dismissed, and Ms. Li press-gangs Daria into service as his replacement.


The name "Lucky Strike" refers to a brand of cigarette, Lucky Strikes.

"Lucky Strike" and Fanfic

External Links

On “Lucky Strike” the Episode

Alternate-Universe Versions of “Lucky Strike”

Alternate Canon Versions of “Lucky Strike”

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