Off-Canon Canon

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Revision as of 12:47, 11 May 2007 by m>The Angst Guy

“Off-Canon” Canon is any official (i.e., MTV-produced) Daria material that is incompatible with the depiction of the characters and setting of that series as reasonably realistic and internally consistent.

Jane Lane bonks her head on a microphone, one of a series of "outtake" alter-ego shots seen at the end of Is It Fall Yet?

Daria: Real Character or Cartoon Actress?

Daria and Jane as Show Hosts

Were Daria Morgendorffer and company acting out of character when they appeared as hosts of their own show? Were they "actors" or "real people," in the sense that the show portrayed them? Fans tend to ignore Daria and Jane Lane's appearances as hosts, though important information has been given out during such appearances. While talking between episodes on MTV's "Daria Day" marathon in February 1998 (transcript at link), Daria and Jane revealed their ages during the first season (16), Tent's age (21), and Quinn's age (14.5).

IIFY Alter-Egos

Conflicting Information

Zen vs. Zon

Carter County vs. Lawndale County

Carter County appears in The Daria Database in the form of a map of a Mystic Spiral's tour, along with a guide to the venues with travel time from Lawndale. It should be noted that Lawndale is not featured on the map and nowhere is it specified the Lawndale is in Carter County.

Lawndale County appears in the episode, One J at a Time in the form of a road sign seen while Jake Morgendorffer, Tom Sloane and Jeffy take a captured squirrel out to be released.

Sherman vs. Sheridan

Cranberry Commons vs. Lawndale Mall

Out-of-Sequence Episodes

“Oops!” Animation Errata

Fantasy Episodes

Though Daria was a fairly realistic animated show, certain episodes raised the ire of fans because their treatment of reality was regarded as cavalier. Five episodes in particular, from the third and fourth seasons, are often assumed by sticklers for "realistic canon" as events that never actually occurred. Some fanfic writers assume they were dreams, hallucinations brought on by a variety of ailments, or were fictional works created by one of the show's characters (usually Daria Morgendorffer).

“Depth Takes a Holiday”

This is the most notorious of the fantasy episodes, with the various holidays as teenagers wandering around Lawndale and interacting with Daria, Jane Lane, and others. However, some fantasy and science-fiction fanfic assume the dimensional wormhole in the back of the Chinese restaurant was real.


A musical set during a hurricane? Again, most fanfic writers assume this did not actually occur.

“A Tree Grows in Lawndale”

The pink flower that sprouts from Kevin Thompson's "planted" crutch is a reality violation of the first order, though it does respond to the general theme in the episode about miracles occurring.

“The Lawndale File”

The presence of the government agents and some of the consequences (such as Anthony DeMartino being arrested) strike many as unrealistic. Artie's appearance on Sick, Sad World and the transformation of Daria and Jane into space babes was also an issue.

“Legends of the Mall”

The steel teeth of Metalmouth hanging on the door handle of Helen Morgendorffer's SUV at the show's end was a problem.

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