Old Stanley's

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A hangout for metahumans in the Legion of Lawndale Heroes series, Old Stanley's is a hotel located in New Orleans, Louisiana. Built in 1720 by a temporary coalition of ‘special people’ from diverse backgrounds, all of whom possessed power, Old Stanley's was built for the purpose of creating a neutral area where anyone of their ilk could go for rest, entertainment, to work out business, or for sanctuary. A series of extraordinarily potent (and direct) defensive measures are in place, which are time-tested as to their effectiveness against any ultra-powered metahuman who wants to take the establishment, and its secrets and power, for their own purposes.

Old Stanley's serves the same purposes for metahumans as the Leaky Cauldron does for the Wizarding World. There are several elevators in the lobby, but only metahumans can access the thirteenth floor, which opens onto what appears to be a vast mall-like area, complete with a large wooded area complete with a small lake, and access to 'gateways' that can transport them to anywhere on Earth. All major metahuman business occurs upon the thirteenth floor, but anyone is free to stay anywhere in the hotel, which somehow always seems to have enough rooms for occupancy, and enough staff to adequately service the guests of the establishment and any needs or requests they may have, no matter how obscure or unique.

When Kyle Armalin went to New Orleans in 2005 to aid in the relief efforts after Hurricane Katrina, he and other metahumans used Old Stanley's as a covert base of operations. When Black Majesty came to Legion Tower in search of a Soul Crystal, Armalin wondered if he was known to the staff at Old Stanley's, indicating that there is a fairly comprehensive listing of metahumans available at the establishment.