Once Upon A Time...

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Revision as of 19:46, 10 February 2022 by The-Grand-Fixer-Upper (talk | contribs) (Created page with ""Once Upon A Time..." is a fic written by Kristen Bealer which asks: What do you do when you just don't have anything to read? This is the question facing a six-year-old Daria, who's just about exhausted her reading options. When her parents and even the library have trouble helping her get exactly what she wants, she has no choice but to look for other options... "Once Upon A Time..." tied for first place in the Favorite Pre-Canon or Post-Canon for the 2021 Da...")
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"Once Upon A Time..." is a fic written by Kristen Bealer which asks: What do you do when you just don't have anything to read?

This is the question facing a six-year-old Daria, who's just about exhausted her reading options. When her parents and even the library have trouble helping her get exactly what she wants, she has no choice but to look for other options...

"Once Upon A Time..." tied for first place in the Favorite Pre-Canon or Post-Canon for the 2021 Daria Fanworks Awards.

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