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===Doomed Stacy===
One recurring theme in fanfics making use of Stacy plays off of her perceived weaknesses, turning her into a target for disaster. Stacy has appeared in a number of horror tales as a victimized, doomed protagonist (e.g., [[Yui Daoren]]'s critically acclaimed work, "[[The Emancipation of Stacy Rowe]]," or [[Angelinhel]]'s "[[Crimson Sunset]]," though she is sometimes depicted as suffering in defense of others or standing up for a cause she believes in, making her travails heroic (e.g., [[TAG]]'s "[[Unto the End]]"). This portrayal of Stacy is an example of what is known in literature as [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_refrigerators Women In Refrigerators] syndrome. As such, she also fits the media-character trope known as the [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheWoobie woobie].
It must be pointed out that sometimes Doomed Stacy stories are written by those who wish to tweak some of Stacy Rowe's more ardent and vocal living fans. See [[Stacy_Rowe#Characterization_Debate|below]] for details.
===Dark Stacy===
Another (albeit rarer) theme involving Stacy has her somehow turning to the darker side of her nature. In most of these depictions, Stacy is seen almost as the archetype of a vampire: cruel, cunning, and amoral, with no hesitation or remorse about harming or even killing others, and lascivious almost to the point of being a sexual predator. In some of these stories, Stacy has also developed some form of supernatural or superhuman abilities, and has no qualms about using them. Stories of this type include "[[No More Ms. Nice Vampire]]" from the [[Daria the Hunter]] series, "[[Daria vs. the Lawndale Zombies]]," "[[Where's Mary Sue When You Need Her?]]," and the [[Legion of Lawndale Heroes]] series. Examples of non-super Dark Stacys appear in [[Angelinhel]]'s "[[We All Fall Down]]," [[Brother Grimace]]'s "[[Word of the Week]]", [[NightGoblyn]]'s "[[Evil Daria Viginettes]]", and [[TAG]]'s "[[Stacy in Hell]]."
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A twisted, yet interesting variant located somewhere between Sweet Stacy and Dark Stacy is 'Stacy, the Sex Machine'. This Stacy can be of almost any emotional nature and stage of maturity, and primarily defined by her interest, desire and (sometimes) proven skill in the arena of physical intimacy and gratification. We see this image of Stacy in stories such as [[Prince Charon]]'s [[Leather Chef]]: [http://sfmb.gamerspage.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3844&hilit= 'One Week of (Very) Personal Service'], [[psychotol]]'s [http://www.sh33pie.com/psychotol/rr.htm Roofies Roulette], and in [[Gystex]]'s [http://www.sh33pie.com/pc/pc1.htm The Passion Club].
==Characterization Debate==
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While there has been some support for this point of view, many ''Daria'' fans have remained indifferent to the debate or held to the belief that the canon portrayal of Stacy is somewhat of a balance between the Sweet Stacy and Doomed Stacy personas, with the events of the fifth season of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daria ''Daria''] and [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Is_It_College_Yet%3F ''Is It College Yet?''] moving her personality slightly into the Maturing Stacy category.
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*Stacy's shoe size is 6 1/2 AA.
==External links==
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