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Her mutant psi-abilities manifested when she reached the age of eight (in her mother’s side of the family, there is a history of powers in the female members of the family, and of manifesting well before puberty, even though they are mutants). With her parents’ help, Chi Ling quickly learned what her powers were and gained basic control over them. Her parents contacted associates (through her father's employment) who suggested applying for USAES as a possible option. After gaining the sponsorship of the junior Senator for her state, Chi Ling entered USAES at age twelve; her parents wanted to keep her home as long as possible, in order to enjoy a normal lifestyle as long as possible. Despite the normal issues that all children deal with, Chi Ling became a successful and well-liked cadet (although teased a bit for her maternal style of dealing with her fellow cadets). She was assigned to [[Training Cadre 2999]] - a cadre composed of all ''psi-active'' cadets - along with [[Leda Calavicci]] (who would also become her roommate and best friend), [[Amorette Molyneux]], and [[Yaniv Ernet]] (who she would later go on to have an extended, yet loosely-defined romantic relationship with during their time in the ''USAES Elite Academy''.
In her first year in the Elite Academy, she was assigned to [[Norris Nance]], (a Cadet Fifth Year and a fellow psi-active who was assigned to [[Training Cadre 6000]]), as his metahuman peer mentor. Unfortunately, Chi Ling had been called to Washington, D.C. due to the current Administration’s anti-immigrant policies. She was to be questioned by high-level members of the Administration, who were going to use her in their efforts; due to shoddy investigative measures, simple, inexcusable mistakes and racist beliefs, Chi Ling’s family were accidentally targeted as ‘illegal immigrants taking advantage of the country’. The matter was eventually cleared up, but Chi Ling was kept in ‘protective custody’ for aseveral week;days. whenWhen she was finally released, she wasand allowed to contact USAES, andit was then she foundlearned that due to a horrible accident, Norris had died in an accident during his [[Summer of Light]] testing seminar. Because of the attitudes she encountered in Washington that directly led to the death of her ''padawan'' (and stating for the record that if not for the overt xenophobia, racism and incompetence demonstrated by [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Immigration_and_Customs_Enforcement U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)] personnel, she could have been there and saved him. As a result, Chi Ling transferred from the ''National Service'' Professional/Active Service track to the ''Federal Service'' track, and chose to head towards a career with [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Border_Patrol,_Search,_Trauma_and_Rescue the Border Patrol Search, Trauma, and Rescue Unit (BORSTAR)], a specialized unit of the ''United States Border Patrol'' trained in emergency search and rescue, where she would be able to help immigrants and save lives instead of treating them as she and her family were treated, or being unable to save Norris.
She has also chosen to become a [[Red Force]] Specialist with a concentration in ''Phase One'' operations ('' ‘Red Rabbit’ ''), but in an unusual move for a psi-active of her power andas skillsthen, she chosecan toalso trainhelp inany theunidentified ''Nationalmetahuman Service''immigrants Activethat Servicesshe track,may and is planning to join FEMA as a member of the Urban Search and Rescue Teamsencounter. (However, she has heard rumors - spread since [[Revelation Day]] and the work of the Legionnaires in Puerto Rico - of [http://thunderbirds.wikia.com/wiki/International_Rescue an internationally-staffed rapid-response organization] of(with un-powered persons and metahumans) that will act in cases of emergency situation and disaster relief anywhere on Earth they may occur.] She is very interested in seeing if the rumors are true, and of possibly joining if they are.)
In academics, she is in the ELMS enhanced health and medical sciences program (where she has earned a Level Two ''Healer'' certification). She will graduate with a degree in Health and Medical Sciences, and a commission as a First Lieutenant in the Illinois Air National Guard. (Many interested parties, both military and civilian, are very interested in stealing her away from FEMA even before graduation - especially after learning about her work in Puerto Rico as a member of [[Operation Silver Shield]].)
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'''Medicine:''' Chi Ling will graduate with a bachelor’s degree in Health and Medical Sciences, and plans to progress in her medical studies to become a Physician Assistant. Even without her powers, she has [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paramedic the equivalent skills of a paramedic].
'''Piloting:''' Chi Ling has her flight ratings in several types of small aircraft, and is a good pilot. She chose to learn hothow to fly small planes, as they are traditionally the ones used by ‘brush pilots’ and other individuals flying into small, remote airports and landing areas to provide medical assistance, resupply or evacuate individuals.
'''Archery:''' Chi Ling has been involved with archery since she was a young child. She is knowledgeable in the history of the sport, and skilled in the use of several different types of bows. She is a perennial attendee of SCA events, and is well-versed in the construction methods used in the historical eras associated with the SCA. Chi Ling is skilled enough with the bow to easily bring down big animals, or use the weapon for self-defense purposes.


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