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'''Empathy:''' Her primary ability (in that all psi-actives with basic 'informational psi' abilities are either primary telepaths, empaths, psychometrics or possessed of 'second sight'), Chi Ling has the ability to sense and discern the emotions, physical state and current environment of any individual she locates/comes into contact with. She can project and receive empathic messages, as well as manipulate any existing emotional states present within living beings (animal, human or even alien). She can make contact with others and manipulate emotions up to of twenty-five miles away (or within a radius of threeup milesto awaysix miles). Her power can connect with and affect even deity-level beings (although she has been careful to never use her power to attempt to manipulate such beings). Her power is so precise that she can even detect emotional states and messages in areas with even residual psionic resonance traces, as well as through any forms of extrasensory perception or temporal, extra-dimensional and reality manipulation/alteration.
'''Energy Path:''' Chi Ling has the ability to instantly transform her physical form into pure psionic energy and travel at ultra-high speeds; when she is aware of the exact location she wants to travel to, the process is effectively indistinguishable from teleportation. Because of the speeds she can achieve, Chi Ling only uses this ability to travel to places she has been before, or to memorized spatial coordinates; any form of power-nullification (including powers and active/passive psi-blocking technologies) can cause Chi Ling to instantly return to human form (even if in flight, but safety functions in her power will keep her from materializing inside solid materials, regardless of power nullification). Chi Ling can take up to fifty tons in weight with her, but (due to her limitations) will only take passengers or additional cargo with her if she is ‘flashing’ to places she has been to before OR to places she can link to through the memories of persons traveling with her, or if she can link to individuals through her informational psi-abilities (empathy, extra-dimensional detection, postcognition or telepathy).


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