Talk:Tired Daria Fandom Tropes

From DariaWiki

Old Wounds?

An article like this could open up old wounds, but on the other hand, there have been regrettable trends in Daria fan fic, as well as regrettable trends in the fandom itself. Also, there is the matter of Sturgeon's Law to contend with; it would be the height of arrogance or at least an incredible act of willful ignorance to believe that Daria fan work and Daria fandom itself could be exempt from it. As a relative newcomer, I know some of these regrettable trends have run their course, and that since I've arrived, some regrettable trends have come into fashion—I've probably participated in a few myself. I hope we can look at the matter dispassionately. --ScissorsMacGillicutty 10:38, 13 April 2007 (EDT)


I edited the phrase "supernatural events" in Wilder's last edit, lest people think that early Daria fanfiction was Buffy fanfiction. CINCGREEN 12:48, 21 April 2007 (EDT)

Fandom Went Downhill

I added to the "fandom went downhill after [Person X] left" section. I'll probably add more later, since I'm experiencing roadblocks with the work I'm supposed to be writing. Wilder 11:48, 21 April 2007 (PST)