The Fashion Club

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The Fashion Club from left to right: Tiffany, Stacy, Quinn and Sandi.

A Lawndale High school club, concerned with the promotion of "looking good," both through example and the critique of others. They have extremely high physical and social standards for admission: there are strict requirements for weight and fingertip length, and Brooke had to have extensive plastic surgery to get the point of possibly getting membership.

The Club is generally assumed to be one of the most powerful cliques at Lawndale High. The members are presented as being highly popular and at all the right parties. In early episodes like "Malled", they could get boys to drive them anywhere they wanted just on the promise of getting to hang out with them; they abused this by making the boys stay in the car during their shopping trips, and eventually boys stopped giving them rides ("Legends of the Mall").

The Fashion Club was officially disbanded at the end of the Daria series, with all four members deciding to take extended sabbaticals. However, since the four immediately started making plans with each other to fill their newly freed time, it can be wondered if the club is as dead in spirit as it is in name.


During the course of the series, the Fashion Club consisted of:

As a School Club

While the Fashion Club are an official school-sanctioned club - they are referred to during a school assembly in The Old and the Beautiful - they seem to lack a faculty adviser or any sort of oversight. They have an internal charter and by-laws, which is quite byzantine.

The Club's Place in the Lawndale High Social Order

Fashion Club float in "I Loathe a Parade".

The Fashion Club appear to be at the top of the Lawndale High social order: at noted, boys used to do anything for them, girls like Brooke were desperate to join, and they got into the right parties. The Fashion Club definately views itself as highly popular, and Quinn certainly is. However, most of the time on the show girls weren't shown wanting to join and most of the boys shown were interested mainly in Quinn (to Sandi's annoyance). The club only had three members before Quinn joined. The track team, presented as a high-placed clique, had publically dismissed the Club ("See Jane Run"). Notably, Tiffany once stated "Everyone likes us because we tell them what's wrong with their outfits", a remark that heavily implies the opposite (on the writer's part).

Admission Policies

Admission to the Fashion Club appears to be a lofty ambition of many girls at Lawndale High. During the series, we never see any admissions besides Quinn, who is admitted, as Vice-President, on her first day at school. Brooke is strung along with implied promises of admission, but these presumably false promises fall apart when something goes, badly, wrong with Brooke's looks.

We do hear admission policies being discussed in the episode Fat Like Me. There is an Accessory Committee, which includes (and may consist solely of) Tiffany.

Fanfic Stereotypes

Daria's Nemesis

Sandi attempts to give Daria a makeover in "I Loathe a Parade".

Even though Daria paid little attention to the Fashion Club as an entity during the show (the only real exception being in "Fat Like Me"), it is a common fanfic trope to set up the Fashion Club as Daria's mortal enemy. In such fics, either Daria is out to destroy the club, or one or more members of the club is obsessed with making Daria miserable. C.E. Forman's fanfics, in particular, followed this trend, with Sandi and the other members tormenting Daria in stories like "All Washed Up." Lew Richardson's "Heroes" also shows the Fashion Club in opposition to Daria. In E. A. Smith's "Good Intentions", Daria's opposition to the Fashion Club takes a slightly different form, as she attempts to "rescue" Stacy from the Fashion Club.

A Coven of Teenaged *itches (choose your own word)

Especially in the earlier seasons of Daria, the Fashion Club was portrayed as a clique of young women having situational ethics, who would resort to the most outrageous methods to further whatever their aims were at the time. The FC members, especially Sandi, were shown to seduce young men or even commit crimes such as assault to get what they wanted. Stories such as "Clothes Make the Manson" and "Outbitched" are examples of this view of the Fashion Club. Also, the members were shown as being perfectly willing to turn upon each other in order to maintain their popularity; examples of this are illustrated in "Sins of the Past" and the AU-fic, "Darius."

Lesbian Experimentation

There was a period of time where lesbian relationships between members of the Fashion Club were explored in Daria femmeslash. The most prominent pairings were Quinn/Sandi, with Quinn/Stacy a close second. The genre reached its acme with "The Passion Club," which gained notoriety for its after-prom sequence where the Fashion Club members indulged in a liquor-fueled mutual tryst in a jacuzzi. This approach (along with many other Dariafic tropes) was deconstructed in The Angst Guy's And When Your Heart Begins to Bleed, wherein Stacy's advances towards Quinn are rejected, leaving her to pine.


  • The Fashion Club are collectively and colloquially referred to as "Clubbies", "The Clubbies," or "the FC" by Daria fans. In post-canon stories, they are usually called the "Former Fashion Club" or "FFC"

Alter Egos