United States Academy of Extranormal Studies

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First seen in Legion of Lawndale Heroes 12.1, "The Wild and The Young", The United States Academy of Extranormal Studies is a military academy just outside the city of Evansville, Indiana (in Vanderburgh County), which was founded for the purpose of training young persons with metahuman abilities for career opportunities in the U.S. Armed Forces, various organizations in the United States Government (as well as state and local agencies), and (for trainees hailing from eligible nations) the ability to serve their respective homelands in similar venues.

The Academy is divided into two sections; the First Academy (which provides primary- and secondary-level educational studies to cadets between the ages of ten to nineteen) and the Elite Academy (which is a fully-accredited collegiate-level institution) Cadets have their Academy studies divided into three 'tracks': Academic, Active Service (studies and on-hands training directly related to their stated occupations or further academic studies after graduation) and Metahuman Studies (training directly related to their metahuman abilities or preternatural skills). The First Academy provides a world-class educational experience that will allow the successful cadet to pursue academic opportunities at any academic institution he or she sees fit to pursue, or begin a career in any potential entry-level area of national or military service (which the cadet will be able to rapidly advance through). The Elite Academy provides a number of majors that will award cadets degrees in either Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts upon completion of their studies, as well as commissions into the United States Armed Forces (as active-duty officers, members of the National Guard of their destined state, or as members of the Reserve of their chosen branch of military service). In addition, the Academy offers minors in non-traditional areas of study (for a military institution) in keeping with the nature of the Academy's mandate towards preparing cadets for not just careers in service, but of a civilian nature after their service obligation has been fulfilled.

The majority of graduating cadets are commissioned as either Ensigns or Second Lieutenants; however, because of exemplary achievement and service during their time at the Elite Academy (as well as during the one year 'internship year' all cadets serve as Cadets Third Class), some cadets are commissioned as Lieutenants Junior Grade or First Lieutenants. In addition, cadets who have distinguished themselves with extraordinary achievements in special certifications within their metahuman service tracks (for example, being awarded the Healer/Medical Practitioner certification in the USAES Enhanced Lifeform and Medical Studies Program) can be commissioned with enhanced rank; it is a tradition to commission Healer/Medical Practitioner-certified USAES cadets as Captains or Lieutenants Senior Grade (as they are fully qualified to be stationed in medical facilities and work as corpsmen or combat medics, or can proceed immediately to medical school).

There are four programs that make up the USAES Active Service track: 'They are:

Armed Forces Service Track - this is for cadets who choose to enter the seven uniformed services of the United States (ex. United States Marine Corps).

Federal Service Track - this is for cadets who choose to enter the law-enforcement, foreign-service and intelligence organizations that serve the United States (ex. Federal Bureau of Investigation).

National Service Track - this program is for cadets who choose to enter the civilian-oriented and domestic-related organizations that serve the United States (ex. National Parks Service).

In LLH 13:7, 'Express Yourself', it was revealed that the USAES administration had authorized the creation of a fourth program for cadets in the USAES Active Service track:

Metahuman Special Operations Track - this program is for cadets who specifically intend to become part of a metahuman special operations unit (i.e. the Legion, a DELPHI P.O.G.O. group, etc.) as opposed to specifically military- or law-enforcement-related metahuman operations duties.

There are seven programs that make up the USAES Metahuman Studies track. They are (along with the official USAES Metahuman Studies service track patches of each program):

  • USAES Advanced Cybernetics, Mechanics and Electronics Program/ACME ) - founded in August 1962. (A flaming anvil, hammer and gears over a globe, with circuit overlay/sine wave background. On the on the side of the anvil is a series of Morse code symbols (-... . . .--. -....- -... . . .--.) that translates to 'beep-beep' - the sound that the Warner Brothers animated character 'Road Runner' makes; this is an inside joke referencing how the program is knows for creating advanced technology like that used by the Road Runner's nemesis Wile E. Coyote, which is purchased from the fictional 'ACME Company'.)
  • USAES Advanced Infantry Technologies and Operations Program - founded in August 1929. (The Vitruvian Man with angelic wings, a 'Kato mask' and a 'third eye' placed before crossed Spartan-style spears and a rising sun.) It is traditionally the largest program at USAES, as any cadet who does not have powers that specifically warrant placement in any of the other programs are placed here; also, cadets who specifically wish to be considered for combat or law-enforcement duties after graduation may request to be placed in this program even if their powers would merit placement in another program. Since the mid-1970s, the program is often referred to by its members as 'KATO' (a slightly-skewed interpretation of the program acronym, and an homage to Bruce Lee, who actually took several AITO special seminars in the early 1960s instead of enrolling in the CAUSE program). The program patch was re-designed after Lee's death as a further homage to him and his legacy as a fighter.
  • USAES Combat Arcane/Ultimate Skill/Extranormal Program/CAUSE - founded in August 1929. (A hoplon (emblazoned with thirteen five-point stars) and crossed cavalry saber, tomahawk and lever-action rifle over a globe, bordered by mistletoe and crowned by a laurel wreath.)
  • USAES Enhanced Lifeform and Medical Studies Program/ELMS - founded in August 1962. It was split off from the Advanced Infantry Technologies and Operations Program and merged with the former Special Technologies and Unified Medical Program. (The caduceus (with a single snake with a tiny pair of avian-style wings, and a 'digital rain' spiral around the staff) before a double helix with the Roman numeral 'XXIII' on the top of the staff, positioned between a pair of elm trees.)
  • USAES Mental Enhancement Program - founded in August 1962. (The Greek letter 'Psi' (with Shepard's crook, broadsword and lightning bolt, in that order) going through the three tines ) before a globe.)
  • USAES Mystical Enhancement Program - founded in August 1919. (A 'quartered circle' eclipsing a sun, with seven 'athame' that form a septagram.) It is the oldest program at USAES.
  • USAES Special Transportation Systems Program - founded in August 1936. (A leaping Pegasus with extended wings before a crossed Roman-style spear and sword over a globe with the Pacific Ocean prominently displayed)

In addition, there were two programs formerly in the "Metahuman Service" track:

  • USAES Special Communications Systems Program - founded in August 1920; it was dissolved in June 1962, with its personnel divided between the USAES Advanced Cybernetics, Mechanics and Electronics and Mental Enhancement Programs. (A globe with three eyes, the 'third eye' electric-blue in color, with a sine wave and radio tower behind the globe.
  • USAES Special Technologies and Unified Medical Program - founded in August 1920; it was dissolved in May 1962 when it was merged with elements from the Advanced Infantry Technologies and Operations Program to form the Enhanced Lifeform and Medical Studies Program. (The 'Star of Life' cradled within a pair of glowing hands, fixed within a Mercator projection, with a Shepard's crook and a broadsword placed behind the two side-points of the star.) It had the unfortunate acronym of STUMP.