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First seen in It's All About Respect, DELPHI is a covert United States organization that acts as the aegis for several programs that fall under its operational jurisdiction, which appears to be the use of cutting-edge technology and metahuman assets for various purposes as directed by select parts of the U.S. military and intelligence communities.

There are several programs and agencies involved with DELPHI. Known operations and agencies beneath the DELPHI aegis include:

  • P.O.G.O.: Short for Paranormal Oriented Global Operations, P.O.G.O. teams are six- to fifteen-man special units that are deployed around the globe as needed, with the primary focus being on extended-duration reconnaisance missions in hostile areas. All P.O.G.O. troopers are equipped with advanced mil-spec tactical, surveillance and communications gear, and most (over 75%) have metahuman abilities.
  • Project Fast Forward: The research arm of DELPHI.
  • Project Nightbreed: An ultra-secret program within Project Fast Forward dedicated to locating and/or creating and the active deployment (within various government and military groups) of specialized enhanced humans or metahumans specifically designed for small-unit combat operations.
  • SABRE:
  • Special Assignments Division: Essentially a real-life version of the Impossible Missions Force. Operatives are given specific assignments considered of vital and immediate importance to DELPHI.
  • Special Assignments Oversight Committee (U.S. Department of Defense): The 'public face' of DELPHI.