Home for Thanksgiving

From DariaWiki
Revision as of 02:07, 13 November 2013 by m>RLobinske
Daria's room after Helen's renovation by Drocem.

The 7th story in the Falling Into College series by Richard Lobinske. The story occurs during late November 1999.


When Karen's tight financial situation prevents her from going home for Thanksgiving, Daria invites her to stay with her in Lawndale. Just as classes let out before the break, Michael Fulton asks Daria out on a date, which she declines. Over the holiday stay, Daria helps Karen find extra college funding and everyone learns that Stacy Rowe has secretly started racing cars when she wins a local amateur race. Daria also learns the story of how her parents met and started dating.

External Links

Home for Thanksgiving at Outpost Daria (via Wayback Machine)

Home for Thanksgiving at Lessons From Lawndale

Preceded by
Nineteen in Ninety-Nine
Falling Into College Stories
"Home for Thanksgiving"
(Fall 1999)
Succeeded by
Winter's Eve