Homo-erotic Necrophilia
Homo-erotic Necrophilia is the second episode of Derek's Celebrity Jeopardy: Daria Edition series. It features Angelboy, atimnie, and RedlegRick as contestants, and marks Derek's debut as the host of the series. Derek is much more sarcastic than Alex Trebek was, giving the contestants almost as much abuse as they give him. Angelboy is the Connery to Derek's Trebek, a role he revels in.
This episode introduced the "broken" buzzer, wherein one contestant buzzes in repeatedly while claiming his or her buzzer is broken; this became a recurring gag in the series. Angelboy gave Derek the nickname "Trebitch" at the end of the episode.
"Homo-erotic Necrophilia" can be found:
- here at Outpost Daria (via Wayback Machine)
- here at Glitter Berries