
From DariaWiki
Revision as of 10:13, 3 May 2012 by m>CR85747
First appearance The Invitation
Last appearance Is It College Yet?
Voiced by ? (either of Steven Huppert, John Worth Lynn, Jr. or Tim Novikoff)
Episode count 33 episodes (2 non-speaking)
2 Daria TV movies
Gender Male
Age 15-17
Occupation Student at Lawndale High
Family ?
Significant other(s) {{{significantother}}}

Jeffy is a student in Lawndale High School, in the same class as Quinn Morgendorffer. He is part of the Three Js, a group of boys that follow Quinn around, attending to her every whim.


Jeffy is recognizable among the Three J's due to his brown/reddish hair. He is part of the football team.

He has a small entry in The Daria Diaries. His surname was never mentioned in the episodes nor in the books.

In Lucky Strike he manages to get a good grade on the Romeo and Juliet test Daria gives. She says his theory about Mercutio having "a thing" for Romeo was well-argued, though a tangent about keeping gays out of the locker room was "a little narrow-minded."

Jeffy has the distinction of being the only one of the Three J's to go to a Morgendorffer dinner as Quinn's date. However, it should be stressed that this happens only after Quinn has dumped both Joey and Jamie.

In "One J at a Time", Jeffy quite rapidly socialised with Tom Sloane and Jake Morgendorffer, brainstorming how to catch a squirrel (he'd done it before at some point); when Quinn asked him whether it was more important to stay with their date or capture a squirrel, he joined the lads when the squirrel was spotted. They then went on to have a fun night out of male bonding. He also showed to be a fan of the song Whomp! There It Is by Tag Team, and used to go go-karting with his father at a go kart track just outside of Lawndale County.

In Fanfiction

The three J's are a regular appearances in fanfiction, but presence of these boys as singular individuals is rare.

Although Jeffy was the one singled out by Quinn in Wouter's Party at Lindy's to hear the bogus date she had "arranged" with Daria to keep the J's away.

What did I hear her say?

External Links

Stories in which Jeffy notably appears are: