Marvel Universe

The Marvel Universe is the shared world in which all of Marvel Comics' stories take place. Because Daria fandom is full of nerds, fanworks have done a lot of crossovers with Marvel, some short & comedic and some in-depth:
- Daria Von Doom Series (Richard Lobinske) has Daria find out she's the heir to Doctor Doom's throne and the whole of Marvel follows with it.
- Gimme Skelter (TAG and Brother Grimace) makes background references to the Lance of Longinus plot in Marvel's WW2-set stories and a cameo from Isaiah Bradley, the black WW2 Captain America from Truth: Red, White, and Black.
- Outcasts from Beyond (TAG) have members of the Daria cast discovering they are Marvel (and DC) characters, and there was a disastrous cosmic event in the Marvel Universe that scattered them.
- The Spectacular Spider-Girl and its sequel (Jim North) have Jane Lane taking the role of Spider-Man, as well as Kevin Thompson taking the nickname "Flash".

Accidentally, Daria does have a Marvel Universe link - in Beavis and Butt-head issue 3, the Thing is eating at Burger World with Stan Lee!