Middleton College

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Middleton College is a small, liberal arts college in Lawndale where Jake Morgendorffer and Helen Barksdale met and began dating during the late 1960s. They graduated in the Class of '72 ("The Daria Database"). The campus is revisited in "College Bored," and is referred to a few times through the series.

What we actually know about Middleton is limited. It has a long history, going back to Colonial times, when it was a religious all-male school. It is considered to be a second-tier school (near the end of the series, we learn that they have "gotten rid of all the requirements, so you can take whatever you want!!"). It has such a reputation that Grove Hills uses Middleton as an example of the type of place your children might end up if you don't send them to Grove Hills. The alumni newsletter is Middleton Musings.

Helen only attended it because it was the height of the baby boom, and getting into a better school was hard. Jake, however, has described it as a family tradition.

Middleton College in Fanfiction

Jake and Helen's days in college have been covered in several fanfiction stories or series, including "All My Children", "The Lost Seasons" and "Falling Into College". In the John Lane Series, the football team is called "The Mud Daubers".

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