A shipper story written about a love affair between two same-sex characters, lesbian or gay. For a discussion on whether canon supports such relationships in Daria, see Homosexuality in Daria.

Lesbian stories dominate slashfic here. Daria/Jane, Quinn/Sandi, and Jane/Quinn are the best known sorts of slash fiction in Daria fandom. Male gay relationships are exceedingly rare in this fandom but not unknown ("Ragged Denim," "TnT").

In a curious alter-ago picture at the end of the TV movie, Is It College Yet?, Lindy and Alison were depicted in a scene on a farm with a number of children, implying that they were a lesbian couple with a family. Crusading Saint used this image as the basis for his story, "Love, Reign Over Me," arguably the only slash shipper given some form of support by the TV show.

Generally speaking, there are two types of slash stories seen in Daria fanfic: the purely erotic ("The Passion Club") and the romance, or relationship explorer ("Pause in the Air"), though some stories manage to combine both ("Writes of Passage").

"Coming out" is almost always an issue and promises considerable turmoil and angst ("Out on Vacation"), if not outright danger ("The Two of Them").

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