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“Ill” (the different font is used to distinguish the word “ill” from the Roman numeral for "three") was the ninth episode of the second season of Daria (episode number 209). It first aired on MTV on July 6, 1998.

“Ill” was written by Peter Gaffney.


This episode begins with Daria and Jane at a Mystik Spiral gig. Daria suddenly contracts a strange rash (correlated with the prospect if being near Trent in a social setting, specifically getting a burger), causing her to flee from the club. The rash persists on-and-off for several days (despite Quinn's offer of anti-acne medicines such as Hydro-Eight, Poxicil, and Salosocilin), eventually leading to Daria's being put in a hospital "to be on the safe side." The rumor mill flies at school, Jane proves to be both hindrance and help in about equal amounts, and everything leads up to a climax that is perhaps the cleverest slapstick humor in the series.


The climax of this episode, occurring in Daria's hospital room, appears to be a riff on a famous scene from the Marx Brothers' film, A Night at the Opera, wherein many characters crammed into a room far too small for them. It also bears a similarity to the climactic scenes of Mozart's opera, The Marriage of Figaro, which similarly juggles many characters and many "voices" for comic effect.

Eleanor Sullivan is a character similar to Harry Lime from The Third Man, in that she is mentioned often in the episode before actually arriving. The payoff of her appearance, however, is distinctly less integral to the plot than that of Harry Lime.

“Ill” and Fanfic

Dr. Phillips from this episode became Hanley Phillips, an associate of DELPHI. Dr. Davidson, the other doctor from this episode, does not seem to have been used in a similar capacity at this date.

There is a fanfic also titled ill (the lower case "i" being intentional), but beside sharing a name and both stories involving Daria becoming ill they are otherwise unrelated.

External Links

On “Ill” the Episode

Fanfiction Versions of “Ill”

Curiously, while the events of “Ill” are related in numerous fanfics, both those kept in-canon and in AUs, there does not appear to be a completely alternate version of this episode, as of this writing.

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Preceded by
Gifted (208)
Daria Episodes
"Ill," Season 2 Episode 9
Succeeded by
Fair Enough