
From DariaWiki
Revision as of 15:47, 22 August 2007 by m>The Angst Guy

The suburb in which the events of the Daria TV series take place. The location of Lawndale is endlessly debated, and even the show's creators tended to keep it loose. Glenn Eichler suggested in an interview that it might be a suburb of Baltimore, Maryland, and this is a frequently used location for many fanfics whose authors caught the hint. However, evidence in the series and Eichler's further comments allow for other locations as well, possibly into eastern Pennsylvania near Philadelphia.

Debate exists among fans as to other possible locations for the fictional suburb, or at least places that had a curious similarity to it. For example, Richard Lobinske has brought up the Florida Connection. Suggested locations of Lawndale, other than the Baltimore area, include the following, listed with the fan who offered the idea.

  • Bacner: Essex County, Massachusetts
  • Kristen Bealer: American Midwest
  • Lisa Bleujabbe: California
  • Brother Grimace: Lower midwestern or southwestern United States, especially southern or eastern Texas, away from Dallas and Houston
  • Dervish: In a ficticious American state called Vikizan
  • Michelle Klein-Haas: Connecticut
  • Lawndale Stalker: East-central Washington state (e.g., Richland, Washington)
  • Mike N: Texas coast between Corpus Christi and Houston
  • Robert Nowall: Similar to town of Poughkeepsie, New York
  • Ranchoth: The Netherworld or Texas
  • Ranger Thorne: Texas, though he recalls a map putting it in Connecticut; also wrote a story in which Lawndale was between New York, Metropolis (down around Norfolk), and Gotham City (on the Great Lakes)
  • TerraEsperZ: Inside a tesseract
  • Veldrin: Massachusetts
  • Mike Yamiolkoski: St. Louis, Missouri, or New England

External Links

PPMB threads discussing the location of Lawndale.

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