Mack Mackenzie

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Revision as of 14:57, 28 April 2007 by m>E. A. Smith

Michael Jordan Mackenzie is "Mack" to everyone except Kevin Thompson, who calls him "Mack Daddy," to Mack's eternal annoyance. An African-American classmate of Daria Morgendorffer and Jane Lane, Mack attends school at Lawndale High with his girlfriend, Jodie Landon. We know little about Mack's family, though in "The Misery Chick" he reveals his name was originally "Michael James Mackenzie, but Dad went to a Bulls playoff game when I was twelve and then he changed it."

Fanfic Stereotypes

Saint Mack

Mack is in a curious position in the pantheon of Daria characters in that he seems to be without fault, or at least lacking major drawbacks as a male in a female-dominated story universe. In Is It Fall Yet?, Jodie bemoans Mack's cash-flow issues, but that appears to be the extent of his flaws. This characterization is sometimes referred to as "Saint Mack." One extreme example of a "Saint Mack" is "The Thirteenth Man," by The Angst Guy. A less extreme instance appears in Bob Marley's "You Don't Know Mack."


Debate has arisen on a number of occasion over the issue of why Mack dates Jodie. Is it because they are among the very few black students at Lawndale High (a situation implied several times in the series)? Couldn't they find anyone else to date? This is the late 1990s in the series, after all. The few true-blue shippers left in Daria fandom have taken pains to hook Mack up with other characters: Jane Lane (a popular one), Brittany Taylor (also popular, though she did irritate him in the series), and Daria Morgendorffer (a more difficult mix).

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