Mall of the Millennium

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The Mall of the Millennium is a fictional supermall featured in the episode, "Malled," located about 100 miles away from Lawndale. A floor-by-floor map of the mall appears in The Daria Diaries, including many colorfully named stores. It also appears in detail in the PC game, Daria's Inferno.

Because the name is similar to that of the real Mall at Millenia, it is hypothesized to be part of the Florida Connection.

Stores Seen or Mentioned in the episode "Malled"

Big Cone

Big Cone

An ice cream store in the food court.

Bikini Island

Not shown, it was a swimwear store mentioned several times by Charles "Upchuck" Ruttheimer III Upchuck as he tried to recruit several students (including Daria and Jane) to model and then tried to convince Mrs. Bennett to make a side trip there.

Books By The Ton

A large bookstore not shown. During the field trip, Kevin Thompson received a $20 coupon to the store. Later, Helen Morgendorffer describes it as the largest bookstore in the country.

The Mall of the Millennium in Daria Fanfic

A selection of stories in which the Mall of the Millennium plays a significant role appears below. The links are in no particular order. It is unfortunately not uncommon for fanfic writers to forget that the Mall of the Millennium is not in Lawndale itself (perhaps it was confused with the Lawndale Mall), but is instead about two hours away by car or bus, leading to stories in which characters walk from their homes to that specific mall. It is also not uncommon to see the word "millennium" misspelled in creative ways.

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