Biographical Information

Semi-retired software developer and real estate speculator (translation: will have to get a goddamn job soon). Elevated to Angst Lord status by Brother Grimace for his work on the Daria fan fiction, "Where's Mary Sue When You Need Her?." Formerly known as "et alia."

Fanon and Fan Culture Contributions

  • Hangs around in the AOL IM Daria fan chat room, SFMB2 more than he should, probably to the annoyance of the others.
  • While it was on-line, contributed to CINCGREEN's Daria Encyclopedia Wiki.
  • One of the few US leftists (i.e., favors expansive social welfare programs, redistributive economic policies, mistrusts market-based solutions to social problems, etc) on the boards. Is probably a tepid centrist by the standards of Western Europe and other nations.
  • Created the character of Jim Vitale, who is considered by some readers to be of the most dynamic villains ever developed in Daria fanfic.
  • Is part of the coding staff for the Lawndale Online project, although as of this writing (15:21, 15 July 2007 (EDT)) he is on hiatus.
  • Is a contributor for the Daria Blandom Blog under the moniker "Scissors MacWhatever"
  • Is working with cyde to get Deceleraptor back on the internet!
  • Is serious fucking business.

Bibliography of Major Works

External Links