See Jane Run

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See Jane Run
Production Number 211
Original Airdate July 20, 1998
Special Guest Voices
Written By Rachelle Romberg
Directed By ?

"See Jane Run" was the eleventh episode of the second season of Daria (episode number 211). It first aired on MTV on July 20, 1998.

"See Jane Run" was written by Rachelle Romberg.


In this episode, Jane joins the track team to impress a guy named Evan. The series has by this point established that Jane is an accomplished runner, and it is far less surprise to the audience than to the other characters that Jane exceeds on the team. Her success nets her popularity, which interferes rather rapidly with her friendship with Daria, as does a dispute over Jane's getting a "by" on a math exam as a result of her newfound jock-dom.


  • Trent shows one of his rare flashes of discontent and angst over his musical career.
  • The briefly-shown newspaper, reporting on Jane's result, also mentions roadworks were halted because of a "pre-revolutionary Dutch Orthodox cemetery" being discovered. Lawndale appears to be older than most fans have thought. (Presumably it means Orthodox Christians who were Dutch, rather than a hitherto-unknown denomination)
  • This is one of only two episodes, "The F Word" being the other, where Jane doesn't have her usual offset hairdo for the complete duration of the episode. It shows that her hair is long enough to make a ponytail with and that she also has earrings in her right ear, which is usually obscured by her hair.

“See Jane Run” and Fanfic

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On “See Jane Run” the Episode

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Preceded by
Fair Enough (210)
Daria Episodes
"See Jane Run," Season 2 Episode 11
Succeeded by
Pierce Me