First seen in Legion of Lawndale Heroes 1.2 - Two Tribes, The Alliance is a collection of young men and women at the United States Academy of Extranormal Studies who, as Cadets Sixth Class (seventh-grade students) were placed together in a 'training cadre' - a grouping of students that would be together for classes and other activies throughout their six years in the First Academy. Designated Training Cadre 2996, the members of The Alliance all made it through the First Academy and went together into the Elite Academy; even though they were in different majors, they stayed together as a group. Inspired by comics, television shows and the stories of the P.O.G.O. teams of DELPHI, the cadets of T.C. 2996 began to use free time, and liberty periods (weekends off and vacation periods during holidays) to practice and train together, creating their own strategies and manouvers unique to themselves.

They refer to themselves as The Alliance because of the philosophy that while they come from different backgrounds, they have similiar interests (in this case, being superheroes) - which is what any successful alliance is made of... those who have similiar interests. Although they are not truly aware of it yet, The Alliance is the single most powerful and well-trained group of cadets currently enrolled at the Academy.

The members of The Alliance are:

  • E. Jeffrey Brace/'Windburn' (moves at near-lightspeed; can generate a trail of solid, ultra-intense flame behind him)
  • Julia Carlyle/'Star Angel' (possesses functional wings; can absorb any form of energy; fires 'solarsonic' blasts)
  • David Allen Farrington/'Esper Prime' - (possesses high-level psionic powers; has a limited connection with the Phoenix Force)
  • Carolyn Field/'Shocklash' - (possesses electrical powers; can manifest 'whips' of solid electricity from behind her wrists that can slice through almost any form of matter, anti-matter or energy)
  • Maryann Lyter/'Tempest' - (possesses Kryptonian-level/form abilities, but can only use one at a time)
  • Lincoln Lomard/'Backtrack' - (possesses a reflective forcefield that can direct attacks in any direction Lincoln wants; can create a 'pocket-dimension' inside his forcefields that could support mass groups for extended periods)
  • Fabian Nogura/'Typhoon' - (possesses supernaturally-based weather-control abilities)
  • Zoey Robertson/'Victory' - (posseses the ability to generate a special suit of body armor with aquatic operations and tactical uses; has the ability to create matter/energy javelins of various effects)
  • Kelly Springer/'Monolith' - (possesses vast superhuman strength, invulnerability and the ability to fly; also possesses a psionic ability of as-yet 'undetermined and yet vast potential')
  • Rafael Vargas/'Fortune' - (possesses the ability to actively control probabilities - i.e. 'good and bad luck' - to cause extremely unlikely events to occur)