The Invitation

From DariaWiki

“The Invitation” was the second episode of the first season of Daria (episode number 102). It first aired on MTV on March 10, 1997.


Trent Lane, Mack Mackenzie, Jodie Landon, Brittany Taylor, Kevin Thompson, Upchuck, and Claire Defoe make their first appearances in this episode, and Jane reveals that she is not shy around boys.

The background character nicknamed Shaggy appears herein, and in one startling sequence is shown to be in two different places at the same time, leading to speculation that he has paranormal powers.

“The Invitation” and Fanfic

This episode has not been well covered in alternate-universe fanfic, except in ficlets in which everyone gets stoned from pot and busted by police, etc. Brittany's party plays an important roll in the AU story John by Richard Lobinske, giving Daria and John their first taste of the temptations they face.

External Links

On “The Invitation” the Episode

Alternate Universe Versions of “The Invitation”

  • "Darius" by The Angst Guy. Brittany's riotous party is referred to near the end of this story, with a different outcome than in canon.
  • "John" by Richard Lobinske. John Lane and Daria go to Brittany's party, with interesting results.

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