The Man

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Revision as of 12:31, 28 December 2010 by Brother Grimace (talk | contribs)

The Man is a supernatural being of vast power and ability who acts as the focal point of Brother Grimace's Visitations fanfic series, where he visited several citizens of Lawndale, including Daria and Helen Morgendorffer.

In what amounted to a ten-year anniversary of his first appearance (in The Sun Will Come Out, Tomorrow), 'the man' made an appearance in the 'Worldburner' fic 'Appearance of the Morning Star', where he visited an alternate reality where Lynn Cullen had tormented that Daria Morgendorffer to the point of near-insanity. While there, Judith herself appeared to torture and kill both Daria and Jake, but was sent away by 'the man', with instructions to never bother that reality ever again.

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